I am looking for a digital camera to take clear closeups of my models , are there any in the $200-$300 range available ?
Should be a nice range of choices in that price bracket. Go down to any BestBuy, CircuitCity, etc. and just browse around. That’s how I got my Canon PowerShot A40…looked at the different manufacturers and models I could reasonably afford, did some online research for their features, and voila! Digital has really taken off these days so you have a lot of options depending on how fancy you want to get. I would strongly recommend getting a camera that uses CF cards though, as they are the most common/cheapest form of digital memory out ther atm.
I bought the Canon A70 PowerShot last year, and I love it. You can get great close-ups with it, and it’s very easy to use. It was about $350 USD when I got it, but I believe it’s going for much less these days.
Check it out!
Kodak EasyShare DX6440 w/dock was about $350 at Best Buy. Or the camera alone was $280. It’s 4 Megapixels.
sony dsc-p72 it’s 4 megapixle, and its around 200 bucks canadian where i live
If I were you I’d look at any Canon, Nikon and Olympus cameras you can get in that price bracket, then you won’t go far wrong. Don’t be impressed by cheaper cameras with so many mega-pixels. It’s not just about that. The lesser makes use inferior lenses and that is more important than an extra mega-pixel.
DON’T waste that kind of money on a digital camera… A cheap one will do the same job. Buy a real camera with film much better results.
I just got a Kodak EasyShare CX7430 camera, 128 mb memory card and a USB 2.0 Reader/Writer (for quick down loading) and it cost me $330.01 from Best Buy. That lets me take 177 pictures at the setting I use (It’s a 4 meg max camera).
I have a good Canon 35mm SLR but the hastle and costs have made it an non runner as far as I’m concerned. In fact the thing which finally got me to buy a digital camera was the wife taking a roll of pictures she took of the granddaughter to be developed and they lost the roll of film. At least now I have some control over the pictures and don’t have to pay for pictures we screw up. And it’s a whole lot easier to post them on the web than a 35 mm picture is.
you can set the thing to vga 640x480 i have a 4.1 mp sony, i get almost 1000 pics with 1 card (128)