Looking for 35th scale OH-6A

Does anyone know where I can find a 1/35 scale OH-6A. I am trying to build one for my father-in-law he was a scout pilot in Vietnam

DML/Dragon has one, taking Pre-Orders at Great Models Webstore

They are still pretty easy to find in Hobby Shops and on Ebay though.
It is a great kit. Highly recommended.

Another option is the older Revell 1/32 kit. Not as nice as the DML kit, but easier to find.
There are a few on Ebay now and they are pretty cheap too. Check here: http://search.ebay.com/OH-6A_W0QQsofocusZbsQQsbrftogZ1QQfromZR10QQsatitleZOH-6AQQsotrZ2QQcoactionZcompareQQcopagenumZ1QQcoentrypageZsearch

Thanks for the heads up on the pre-orders. Have you heard anything on the detail of the DML/Dragon kit?

The DML kit is great. Just don’t make the mistake of getting the Hobbycraft or Revell kits. NO detail in those. THe DML is the way to go.

DML kit is an excellent kit with great details and lots of extra parts. Also comes with two crew figures from the DML Vietnam Helo Crew kit, the seated gunner and the pilot with painted helmet (see below).

Italeri also makes one, but I don’t have any experience with their kit.

The Italeri kit is just the DML kit reboxed. Same thing, and usually cheaper!

Thanks for all the heads up. I’m placing a order for the DML/Dragon kit but it seams no one knows when it will be comming out. Do any of you guys know?

Roll Models has it listed under New Items as a AH-6.

AH-6J (a.k.a. - The Killer Egg) is the modern attack version used by 160 Special Ops Aviation Regiment (SOAR) of Blackhawk Down fame. Here is one to compare to the above OH-6A Vietnam version.

Vietnam OH-6A:

AH-6J modern SpecOps version:

I’ve got the 1/32 OH-6 by Revell, but what I really want is the AH-6 in 1/35! Looks like I need to go check out Roll Models…


You’ve probably followed the “REISSUED!” thread on the AH-6J. Well, I’m still waiting on Great Models for my Killer Egg. They told me 4-8 days on reissues, but my order page still shows it not to be in stock - yet - I’ve received two e-mails with it listed on new releases. [banghead] Going to follow up with them on Monday.

I have been following that thread as well as any other mention of the Killer Egg… I actually had one, but it didn’t survive the move overseas well and I tossed it, all before I found out it was out of production! My dad sent me the old Revell OH-6 kit in 1/32 and I was thinking of trying to convert, but that looks like major surgery on the tail boom and I’m not ready for that. So, I’ll be ordering a pair from Roll Models and we’ll see if that works out any faster/better than Trigger74’s route with Great Models…

Good luck. Let us know how it goes.

The order is in, the site says it will be 2-3 weeks before delivery, so now it’s wait and see, I guess. Now I’ve got to go so repairs on all my models that shipped from Oki and had bits fall off in the box…


The original Dragon OH-6A
Depicts Low Level Hell, Flown by Hugh L. Mills, (He is the bubba with WAR in red on his helmet, and a mustache…)
Read his book Low Level Hell, and Visit the Army Aviation Museum in Ft. Rucker Alabama, it is there!

I built it years ago, when it was originally issued, great model![8]

Originally posted by Winnie

The original Dragon OH-6A
Depicts Low Level Hell, Flown by Hugh L. Mills, (He is the bubba with WAR in red on his helmet, and a mustache…)
Read his book Low Level Hell, and Visit the Army Aviation Museum in Ft. Rucker Alabama, it is there!

He is still a bubba, still flys OH-6s, has no mustache and recommends the Dragon kit.
Hugh Mills
Kansas City

The original Dragon OH-6A
Depicts Low Level Hell, Flown by Hugh L. Mills, (He is the bubba with WAR in red on his helmet, and a mustache…)
Read his book Low Level Hell, and Visit the Army Aviation Museum in Ft. Rucker Alabama, it is there!

He is still a bubba, still flys OH-6s and recommnends the Dragon kit.

Hugh Mills
Kansas City
PS: the mustache is gone.