What a cool find, Thanks for the pics
What a cool find, Thanks for the pics
Just goes to show you that there’s still a lot of history out there waiting to be stumbled across at the right moment in time. Who knows how many countless other examples of different equipment might have met similar fates? Very nice find, thanks for posting the pics/links!
Wonder how many Tigers might be in those? Or whatelse lays below.
Thats crazy! Its in german markings too. Wow. Thanks for the pics
Amazing I say! Ahh to be a Eastern European with a metal detector must be a wonderful lot indeed! I personally would give my left testicle to walk through those forests searching for history. Thanks for the pics!
Fantastic find. Thanks for posting it for us.
Here is some more info and some more photos at the bottom of the page;
Be sure to check out the video clip of them starting the engine!
That is a truly amazing find and thanks for sharing it with us!
After 50+ years submerged in a bog and it starts right up. Amazing!
Makes one wonder how may other relics are reposing in remote bogs just waiting to be discovered. Now if someone would just find a Panther or Tiger!
Incredible story. The pictures tell it all. Thanks for sharing this remarkable find with us. semper fi, mike
that is soooooooo cool. [8D][tup]
that is AMAZING!! thnx for the pics man
man what a find.
I wonder when Dragon or Trumpeter will make some new box art for us.
I would love to know the whole story behind this as well. Too bad History Channel wasn’t on hand to capture this first hand.
The one photo that i find amazing is this one:
To me - i invision that is if i were actually there the moment right before it went ‘into’ the swamp some 60 years back. Really brings those old B&W photos from WW2 to life.
Look Daddy, the tank is throwing up! [yuck]