Location of and list of wartime ship electronics - antennas, etc.

Just curious, I have PE kit 717 from toms modelworks. 3 parts it has are TDY jammer, TBS antenna and HFDF antenna that i am using on USS Quincy CA39. Ive got only a handful of pics but was wondering if anyone has a reference on the web where i might see in detail what is where? Ive looked with no good hits. Tks

It varies. It will be ship specific and time frame variable, builder or refit yard dependent.

This is a photo of the USS Oberon (AKA-14) which I located at the Library of Congress’ website, post-war.

Look at the plan eBooks from the Floating Drydock. Good info on the Iowa class, the Fletchers, Sumners, Gearings, and Admirable mine sweepers. Finding specific electronic plans for the Quincey on a specific date will require in depth research

And the photos you find are often/ usually censored in any case.

You’ll want to look at Naval Engineering Journal publications.

Doesn’t TMW give you some ideas? As far as HFDF, reradiation from the hull is a problem, so the antenna is usually on top of a mast.

TMW - nope. Directions say if applicable, check for your specific ship… Maybe i can find some info on the other New Orleans class ship she last fought with - cant remember the name at present…

You might find some good photos here: http://navsource.org/

and also here: https://www.history.navy.mil/

and the specific page for the Quincy (CA-39:


Ok, good ideas - tks. Didnt think of naval engineering journal pubs or LOC. Admittedly i dont have a lot and ive already stuck some platforms in the wrong place most likely, so maybe ill wing it… if i strike out looking some more.

the Baron - tks. I got those. They are about all ive been able to find. Maybe ill look for some of the Astoria.

Mrchntmarine, take a look at this

CA-34 – USS Astoria – Booklet of General Plans, 1941, New Orleans Class


thank you very much. Hadnt seen this site before… Wm

now you have.