As promised, here are a couple of quick pics of that 1:20 scale OH-6A I was talking about in that other thread. Since this is a little off-topic for a thread about 1:35 scale helicopters, I felt it best to start a new thread about the Loach and the various available kits.
ANYway, here’s that Nichimo kit that we were discussing:
I picked this up back in the late ’ 70’s, I believe, and I really don’t know if it’s still available… I’d suspect not. It’s a big box for such a small helicopter (24"x14"x4"). The kit includes a stand and extra parts to power the rotor and tail rotor, as well as the standard scale pieces.
The kit includes two sets of instructions… one in Japanese and one in English, as well as a color guide. As you can see, the engine compartment and cabin doors are open only on the port side; to do it right, the opposite side needs to be cut out, as well. The detailed engine is a kit in itself and deserves to be displayed in an open engine bay, especially in a kit this size. A lot of work is needed to convert this one into the military OH-6A, mainly inside the cabin. I’m saving this one for a rainy day.
Wow, so in 20th scale that’s what? maybe seven inches long? LOL.
I just got my 1/32 Loach and its TINY! The Hobbycraft kit is a bear, but I’m working on it. I’ve built a new cockpit floor and aft bulkhead already. I’ve got collectives and cyclics from a Huey that I’m modifying and I’ve cut out the engine compartment. I’m gonna do the engine doors closed, but the fuselage was not meeting up properly there and wouldn’t correct.
The fuselage halves are super-glued, filled and sanded and I’ve cut out all the doors. Now we’re getting somewhere!
Too bad you need to do so much work on this… wouldn’t parts from an old Revell 1:32 Loach help? These kits are still around in one form or another, I believe. Maybe you should have just left the doors on…
I found a couple of interesting sites that I thought I’d share… one is of a review of the Italaeri OH-6A, allegedly the old DML kit in a new box. If this is true, I’m going to get several. It was a NICE kit! Check it out here:
Thanks for the links! I gotta get some webspace so I can get my pics up. I’ve just been a bit bogged down with work. This week I should be able to do it.
I think I’m gonna have to get some Italeri Loaches!
I don’t know about the price on that 1:35th scale Loach, as I haven’t actually seen one yet; they must be available online, I’d think. I found this link but it says they are out of stock.
From the illustration, it doesn’t appear to have the markings you asked about. Maybe I could scan my DML sheet in and post it here… I don’t know if that would be useful or not. BTW, there was a version of the 1:32 Revell OH-6A that had these same markings. I THINK the old Microscale had a 1:32 decal sheet for Vietnam helicopters, but I never got one. I can’t remember who they became and if they still offer the same sheets. They used to have an awesome selection of decals… I used to get mine at San Antonio Hobby Shop when I lived on the left coast. They had ALL of them in stock. That place was fantastic! I haven’t seen their new store yet.
I just got the 1:35 loach. It DOES have Hugh Mills’ markings and markings for a ship from E Troop, 1/9 Cav. I picked mine up on ebay for $12 and that includes the crew. I don’t think I’m gonna do it in Hugh’s markings, though. (no offense Hugh) But I’ve got 2 on the way now, so I’m doing a Pink team from C Troop, 1/9 Cav and I think I’m gonna do a hunter-killer team from either 2/17th Cav or F/8th Cav. Not sure which.
BTW, the 1:32 Hobbycraft Loach is the old IDEA kit from Korea. WHAT A BEAST!
LMAO! Well, time to put that lousy kit back in its box; why waste the time and energy? Glad you got your hands on a GREAT kit now… I wonder if they are going to do the other versions as well. I have their (DML) MD 500 Defender and the MD 500E in L.A. Sheriff’s Dept. markings w/ crew (the newer-style windscreen).
I’ll be happy if I can get a couple of the Italaeri kits so I can save my DML kits. CH: does your kit include the doors or not?
I finally got my Loach kit. It IS the DML kit. Goes together fairly well and it looks like it’ll be one hell of a build! I’m accumulating 1/35 smoke grenades, making ammo boxes and researching now. Gonna be fun!