Littlebird and Dragon Vietnam Helo Crew sighting.

Both kits on eBay right now. Get them while they are hot!!!

Not mine, just thought I would let everyone know.


Vietnam Helo Crew

Good Hunting!!!

Wow. And after seeing this walkaround at Prime Portal,, I sure wish that Dragon would re-release their Israeli MD-500 kit as well. Someday…I hope…

Gino, Thanks to you I ended up buying the Little Bird. Now you owe me to find some nice helicopter crew for this little booger [:)]. What’s your suggestion? I know you have posted up helicopter crew pictures by each manufacturer. I’m planning to do a scene from Somalia (Black Hawk Down) some time in near future.

Good deal, glad you got it. If you are doing it as an AH model, the DML helo crew (slightly modified) or Academy’s OH-58D guys will look great for pilots. The Nemrod crew is really nice too, but pretty pricey. If you are looking for operators to put on the planks of an MH version, there’s not really anything out there. You have to pretty much custom make guys for that, as I did on my MH-6J model.

WHAM-A-DOODLE!!! What!? You made those!!! My eyeballs just went AWOOOOGA!!!

Yup, with the help from a friend who copied some seated legs, heads with MITCH helmets, Dragon Delta Force torsos, and various arms, weapons, and accessories. I love the way they came out.

Impressive! I must say you are truely the master hobbiest Master Gino.
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Hey, that’s me you’re talking about!

In fact if you compare our Littlebirds the D-Boys look very simliar. As HeavyArty said I made resin copies of legs heads and torsos, he came up with arms and weapons.

Here’s the link to ARC’s article:

Another Master!!!
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That’s why I make my models more like display models.
I just can’t do that! I can’t!!![D)]![banghead]

I have nothing more to add, just I WISH…

Yup, it was Klaus. Wasn’t sure if he wanted to go public with his figures. They are great-looking. He is a master caster. Hope it drums up some more business for you now that your secret is out.

I will say that casting your own parts can come in handy especially if you have duplicate kits and for some stupid reason [#wstupid] you lose a part from one… like I did, you can make a mold and cast a part in a matter of 4-5 hours. Or, if you need to make a correct part like my tail fin for my EC-135, making interior accessories or interior conversions, etc. It sure beats sanding on balsa over and over and over and…
It’s fun and it’s somewhat inexpensive, depending your resins. It’s fun too help out a fellow modeler too.


Trully Cheers on that one Sir!

[#toast] Cheers![;)]

Man, I’m feeling lots of love in FSM forum.[swg]

Gino, AVUS

You guys are the true master modellers! Me not worthy, me not worthy! [bow]

I don’t think I’d be able to do what you and avus did, so I’ll just have to settle for getting DML delta force kit and see if I can get a nice diorama out of it.

Thanks for the kind words, all of you.

Gino, it’s OK keep them coming: I love to be adulated! [:D]

Regarding helping friends … that’s what friend are for! Contact me via PM o mail if you are interested in some “help”.

Those are two amazing Killer Eggs, that’s a fact. I myself have two of these kits on the shelf, waiting for my attention.

Avus, HeavyArty, you did some awesome work on your “operators”, how about ginning up some pilots and you’d have us all beating a path to your email inbox with requests for them…

Another Helo Crew hit