Link and Length tracks...Your thoughts?

Hello all,

I just completed my first model with link and length tracks - Dragons M1a1-HA. I’ve done models with both rubber band tracks and individual link tracks. Personally, I don’t like the link and length tracks.

My reasons are:

  1. Too difficult aligning

  2. Too difficult getting correct spacing

  3. Can’t easily take them on and off, such as for painting

  4. They don’t look correct going around the idler wheel and drive sprocket

  5. The track run may end up short or long

If individual link tracks are not included in the kit, I’d much rather deal with rubber band tracks. What are your thoughts on this?


I built the same kit some years back and if I remember it correctly, it included tracks in length for the straight portions of the track (upper and lower) and individual links for curves and going around the idler and drive sprocket.

Actually I would prefer link and length tracks for straight portions of the tracks than making them out of individual links to save time. The latest KV’s from Trumpeter even came with link and length tracks for “sagging” portions. For other areas however like idler wheels and sprockets, I prefer, indies.

Beats me. I use to do the rubber band track then wanted to be more detailed with my kits so I went with indy track. I started with frieuls and really liked the look and how they fit. More work? You bet but the final product was well worth it. I don’t have any of the problems with the indys that you mentioned with the link and length track. The link and length is a hybrid and I dont like them nearly as well for some of the reasons you mentioned. Greg.

I prefer them over vinyl tracks. Once you work with them a few times, they become quite easy. You also learn some tricks, like slightly bending the end connectors where the track bends to go up amd around the idler wheel and drive sprocket to get a better look. I wish more models came with them. The are great in my book.

i love them never have problems even in 1/72 scale

the 1 pc tracks i can never get the hot screw driver thing right, i have melted more trcks than i care to admit, so i staple them and hide the staples with weathering

I agree with what is said above, they do give a much better finish to the kit.

Indies in my opinion are the best.



My first 1/35 tank had indie links and I felt the same way after it!

After a few more you will get your technique down and also see how much better indie links look.

Haven’t tried them yet, but have the Trump KV with the cool sagging top run. I’d say if they fit well enough, they would save much time and headaches. Would seem to be a good idea.

What I’d like to see is a length that goes around the idler and drive sprocket, so in essence, you’d only need 4 pieces (drive sprocket, idler, top run, and bottom run) Yeah!