Lighting a 1/16th scale Tamiya Tiger I

I want to add lighting to my 1/16th scale Tiger I. It’s the Full Option kit, so it looks like it has connectors for “accessories”. I’m using aftermarket Bosch lights. Any suggestions or directions to sources would be appreciated. I can usually get batteries in the right position and do a fair solder joint, but things go down hill fast after that. Thanks!


here is my website,

look under product area, and tell me if that is the light for you or not.

email me if so. call me if you have further questions.


Hi Tom,

Sorry it took so to get back to you - family and traveling for work.

Great Tiger I! This is my first foray into large scale RC models. I have my Tiger I up and running. Just trying to figure out how to get the machine gun and 88 to fire. I’m using a Futaba RC system. I suspect I need to go back and check out the electronics following Tamiya’s troubleshooting guide.

As to the lighting question. I replica Bosch lights from a hobby ship in Germany. I have the wire running from inside the tank up into the lights. Did you make your lights operational? If so, how did you do it (batteries, connection to the Tamiya controller)?

Have you purchased any of the aftermarket drive, gun recoil or track systems? If so, what’s been your experience with the items you purchased and installed?

Again, sorry for the delay in getting back to you?

Best regards,
Scott Lockhart

Hi Tom,

OK, major braincramp on my part. I didn’t scroll down far enough to see the Products link. And yes, that’s exactly what I have in mind. How do I order parts from Daryl?


Please feel free to contact me at my home email: