I’ll be ready in a few days to go huntin’
anyone wanna? [:p]
I’ll be ready in a few days to go huntin’
anyone wanna? [:p]
Is this another one of yours Muzzleflash ?
If it is … you’re turning into a regular modelling maniac. You’re churning out models faster than Tamiya !! LOL
Yes its one of mine, lol. That ragged thing is my responsibility
I have a base built for it though (of course)
Its the DML 1/35 Kugelblitz, Panzer IV chassis with the 3cm AAA turret. Indy tracks were very nice! I positioned the tracks going over a hazaard, and base fits perfectly…more coming soon She is built out of the box. Decals and weathering happen tomorrow
I would have said faster that Trumpeter! really nice work there, Muzzleflash!
Gorgeous as usuall…!!!
I would like to know do they make the indy tracks for my Panzer IV D? I thought i saw them but i am not sure.
Looking good tho!..I will lend ground support with my Leo if you like in case anyone friendly to the birds try to take you out!
Very nice Muzzle!!
Let’s see the weathering pics…
PS-Outstanding job on the camoflauge! I like how close it is on the turret, yet you can see each color distinctly.
Very nice.
Thuds rolling in hot![:D][:p][:D]
Looking good, muzzleflash!
Getting closer to being finished with this beast
Here she is on the base I built for her. I wanted to show off the suspension. My first attempt with indy tracks, DML. AWESOME, no problems at all.
I will keep working on it and show the other side tomorrow (decals too) [:)]
Another nice one muzzleflash!! Looks great and the suspension work going over the obstacles is great! You are turning these out faster than I can get a road wheel painted!! [:p]
Now that it’s on a display base it looks even more impressive. A fine piece of work Muzzleflash. One that you should be very proud of.
P.S. Just how many little gnomes do you have working in your model factory ?
Thanks all!
LOL SHERMANFREAK: Just the three of us, Me, Myself, and I
I decal, clear coat, wash, prepped more…so more pics should be up tonight when it all dries and I can take some pics
I am having a very hard time selecting the crew, maybe I should post a few diff pics and let everyone tell me what looks best
More photos from today’s work:
Looks great man, i have yet to try and tackle a figure…lol Keep it up…oh and my Leo is ready for support if needed:)