Leave the Door Open...

…and look at what wanders in [:)]

Hey all, just thought I would take a quick moment to introduce myself and say hi. I’m a 46 year old IT Manager that’s in dire need of a great hobby. I was heavy in to modeling 20 some odd years ago, but let life’s crap get in the way and take me away from it. So now I’m trying to get back into the saddle, so to speak. like I said I was heavy into it, but didn’t know a damn thing and sure didn’t have much talent - going to try and improve on that this time around, but don’t bet the house on it.

Anyway, my focus/interest has always been in WWII and Korean War aircraft. The first project I have lined up is a 1/48 Hasegawa RF-86F-30 Sabre, to be followed by a 1/48 Trumpeter MiG 15bis Fagot. Will also grab a F-86F as soon as I can lay my hands on one.

My other hobby, for those of you just dying to know, is collecting music. This has been a lifelong passion that I think will fit nicely with modeling (my wallet has a different opinion however [swg]). Not sure where I will display finished models with more than 3000 LPs, CDs and tapes stacked about. Good thing I live alone, eh?

Well that’s about it. Hope you don’t mind my asking questions from time to time, I’ll try to at least make them sound intelligent – but no guarantees! [:)]


Dave [#welcome] to the forums! Pull up a keyboard and stay a while. I told them to shut the door!

40-something with an interest in WWII and Korea aircraft? Hmmm, might be one or two of us around these parts!

Wewlcome to the Forums Dave [#welcome].

Regards, Rick

Pull up a kit and stay awhile. [#welcome] to the forums.

Thanks for the welcome guys!


Welcome Dave, my interests are mainly in 1/48 aircraft also - especially wwii era. See you around FSM.

Welcome, I also like 1/48th aircraft from WWII and Korea.