Larry Wolf Memorial Close Air Support Group Build 2021 Needs YOU!

Range of aircraft goes from the kites of WWI to the jets of today. Strategic bombers are out, unless you’re building a current B-1 with the appropriate pods for precision guided munitions. Fighter versions of aircraft aren’t allowed, but load her up with bombs/and or rockets and she’s good to go. Dedicated attack aircraft definitely allowed. Attack helos definitely allowed. Gunships also. A couple of lists to go by.

Start date: 01 Jan 2021 to 31 Dec 2021

Da rules:

See above references for ideas. If it’s not on the list, ask.

Started kits are welcome.

Crossovers are welcome.

Take lots of pics.

Have fun.

The Roster:

lewbud-1/72 Hasegawa Mi-24 Hind

Keavdog-1/48 Zvezda Mi-24 Hind.

Bish-Airfix 1/72 Ju-87B2 Stuka

Eaglecash867-1/32 Trumpeter SU-25

Mopar Madness-1/48 Hasegawa HS-129B2

Fotofrank-1/48 Monogram F9F Panther

modelcrazy-1/72 Mig-27D

PhilliePhan79-1/72 Academy F/A-18E Super Hornet

TempestJohnny-1/48 Hasegawa Typhoon

Knox-1/35 Academy AH-1Z Viper

68GT-Academy 1/72 A-10

Drums01-1/72 Italeri AC-119 Stinger

ArmorAfficianado-1/72 Academy A-10

Crown r n 7-1/48 Academy Mig-21MF


Hutch3690-1/72 Airfix Beaufighter TF X

Glamdring-1/72 Academy P-47D


falconmod-1/144 Academy AC-130

Cj2875-1/48 Revell AH-64 Apache

SteveCB-1/72 Airfix IL-2M

Xraylizard-1/48 Academy F-4B/N Phantom

rooster513-1/48 Revell F-15E Strike Eagle

1/48 Accurate Miniatures SBD Dauntless

banthafodder-1/72 Academy A-37B.

Lostagain-1/72 NOVO Vultee Vengeance.

Jasper-1/48 Accurate Miniatures A-36.

dwsrazor-1/72 Heller Breguet 693

jeaton01-1/72 LF Resin Curtiss A-18 Shrike



oortiz10-`1/48 Fujimi AH-1G.

1/48 Fujimi AH-1J

bobbaily-1/48 Hasegawa Bf-109E4/7 Jabo.


RealG-1/32 Trumpeter A-4F

Caveman-1/48 Hobby Boss F-111D/E Aardvark

Tomcat-Boxscale Monogram B-26

1/48 Revell A-6E Intruder

BorisBaddenov-1/48 Revell Ju-87G1 Tank Buster

Reserved For Completed Builds

I’ll be managing the completed build postings so let me know.

ooritz10 1/48 Fujimi AH-1J

DRUMS01 1/78 AC-119 Stinger Gunship

PhilliePhan79 Academy 1/72 F/A-18F Super Hornet

Fotofrank 1/48 Monogram F9F-2

ooritz10 1/48 1/48 Fujimi AH-1G

Plasticjunkie 1/48 Revell F-84G

68GT 1/72 Academy A-10

Castlenuovo 1/48 Hobbyboss A-7B

jeaton01 1/72 LF Resin Curtiss A-18 Shrike

tempestjohnny 1/72 Hobby Boss Hawker Sea Hawk FGA.6

Bish 1/72 Airfix Ju 87B-2

JBRaider P-47

Fotofrank 1/48 AMT F7F Tigercat

ArmorAfficianado 1/72 Academy A-10

Fotofrank Tamiya “P-74” What If

Lostagain 1/72 NOVO Vultee Vengeance

Castelnuovo 1/48 Academy SBD-2

DRUMS01 RAH-66 Comanche

Glamdring-1/72 Academy P-47D

Modelcrazy-1/72 Hasegawa Mig 27D

Crown r n 7-1/48 Academy Mig-21MF

Hutch3690-1/72 Airfix Beaufighter TF X

dwsrazor-1/72 Heller Breguet 693

bobbaily-1/48 Hasegawa Bf-109E4/7 Jabo

Airfix 1/72nd Ju 87B-2

I’m in with a 1/32 scale Su-25M1, Blue 38

I’m in with a 1/48 Hasegawa Hs129 B-2.

Well, lewbud, I’m still in with the Monogram F9F Panther all bombed up.

I have the 1/48 Airfix Sea Harrier in the stash as well.

Alright guys, got you on the list. This is an auspicisious start indeed, although I was hoping Bish would step out of his comfort zone and do a bomb laden Spit.[:D]

You have more chance of me standing on my head in a Tu-Tu singing La Marseillaise.

Hmm, let’s see,
F-18 1/72
F-16 1/72, 1/48, 1/144
F-15E 1/72
F-14 1/72, 1/48, 1/444
F-4 1/72
A-10 1/72
A-4 1/72
Hs129 1/48
MiG-27D 1/72
Su-34 1/72
Yeah, I could probably find something. Count me in.
Let’s say with the MiG-27D just to be diffrent.

I’ll do the Academy Super Hornet. 1/72

I’m in. I’ll start with 1/48 Hasegawa Typhoon

My first group build will be one of Bish’s. If I don’t freak out, I would like to join with Academy’s Viper Cobra. I think that qualifie. If not, I will build something else.

I’d pay good money to see that. How about the rest of you?

Okay guys got you on the list.


Who makes the Mig?


Bish’s builds are top notch, you’ll be in good hands. What scale is the Viper?

I have at least one Academy A-10 in 72 scale to start with.


Got you on the list. Welcome aboard.

Oh sorry, Hase 1/72

OK, count me in this GB…

I will let you know what I am going to build in a couple days. Time to open up some of my storage boxes and see what I can come up with.


Opps, it is 1/35.