Probably one of the strongest points on any aircraft is the landing gear. WHY, WHY dont the model manufacturerers make their kits with stronger landing gear. I am finishing up an ME 262, and one of the wheels just popped off. The axle was so tiny, i can see why it popped. It looks like they could “beef up” their kits…even to the point of metal landing gear struts and axles…i would be willing to pay the extra money to get the extra strength. I always, when possible, put the landing gear on last, but still have problems.
Depending on how good your eyesight is, and what drills etc you have, you could try drilling out the gear & inserting wire. I use guitar wires, they are strong & come in lots of sizes, & will bend nicely for an axle. ideal for the job.
i have some pretty fine wire, but drilling is another thing. I dont have a hand drill…guess they call them pin vises. But i know the landing gear has caused me numerous bouts of profanity.
Hey Huskerguy;
I feel for you, but like guys like me I move around alot, and what I use for the Gear is white glue (Elmer’s) or superglue, I know the gear are going to break in the move so I make them break away so the part wont get damaged, but you could use some Stainless Steel Lock Wire (aviations trems Safety Wire) and drill a hole on the top of the strut only go to about 1/2 way down then L it to the out board towards the wing tip (unless your doing a BF-109) that should help rid your problem you could use it too for the axles too drill through the axle and beef it up too, I know it takes extra time but try it,
remember to have fun
Cuda, do you use some sort of hand drill? I dont think my smallest drill bit is small enough for some of that strut material. And the axle on the ME262 i am building is REALLY tiny, and only about 1/4 inch long. Wonder if any of the manufacturerers monitor this board…if so…BEEF UP THE LANDING GEAR ON YOUR MODELS.
I’ve seen pinvises for around $8 and a small drill bit set on sale somewhere for $6 or $7.
I got a pin vise at my local hardware store for $8.00. Multiple head type. A company by the name Micro Mark sells pin vises and #60 thru #80 drill bits. Inexpensive and always handy to have around - a real good investment
Welding supply companies are also a good place to pick up a pin vise and bits.
They call them tip cleaners. Price is about the same at around $8.00
Electronics supply places (Tandy , Radio Shack etc) are also good places for a whole range of supplies (including pin vices and drill bits) suitable for modlers but I have to agree that the usual kit landing gear is at best adequate.
Cheers, Pete.