Was doing research and found out the Kriegsmarine wanted to use the Bf-109T for the Graf Spree, is there a 1/48 kit of this specifically for the Kriegsmarine. I saw a BF-109T in 1/72 but I’ve also seen some that are the T-1 and T-2 variants. Would any of these be suitable for what i want to do ?
I would absolutely love a T in 1/48. The one you would be looking for would be the T-1 variant, otherwise known as the T variant. The T-2 variant was created after the carrier program was canceled.
MPM did the Bf109 T1/T2 in 1/48, kit 48023.
Hasegawa made a 1/48 T-2 version. I’ve seen a couple on evilBay in the $20 to $40 range.
Ive seen the T-1 variant recently on eBay just wasn’t sure if it was the right version. Should i assume that I’ll need to scratchbuild a hook to catch the resisting cable? I think that’s what it’s called ?
Any 109T-1 kit would do. The T-2 was modified for land use. And they were not intended for use by the Kriegsmarine. The aircraft on the Zeppelin would have been operated by the Luftwaffe.
i appreciate it, I think I’m gonna pull the trigger on cyber Monday on getting one.
Would the T variant have folding wings by chance ?
No, despite haveing longer wings, they did not need to be folding.
yes i saw this kit but I’m more interested in the T-1 variant, unless the T-2 is that without an arrestor hook
That’s interesting, longer wings would make you think it’d need to be folding
The carrier was built with the 109T in mind, so the lifts were big enough. Though of course folding wings would have meant more space inside. As far as i know, only the Ju 87C’s had folding wings.
The T-2’s did not have the hook, though if Academy did a T-1 variant, the kit might include it.
im gonna shop around, hopefully i get the right one or i learn to scratch build a hook.
Looking at Scalemates, the MPM kit is the only one that builds as a T-1 in 48th. But thats quite an old kit and might be hard to get. Scratching the hook should not be to tricky.
Ive seen a couple on eBay for a decent price, may attempt to get one. somewhat off subject but the JU-87C, what was the main difference of this aircraft, was it the folding wings and tail hook or other things as well?
Does the mpm kit come with an arrestor/ tail hook?
It, does, as one of the injection molded parts. It is external to the airframe, there is no pocket for it to fit in to be recessed.
Here is the parts map. There are a lot of resin parts and three canopies, all of which are vacform and starting to yellow. Other than that it doesn’t look too bad.
Thank you, i just found one on eBay for $23 after shipping, going to pull the trigger and see how it comes out. May just be a fun build for my first Bf-109
Those are the main changes. It also had a dingy as well as other equipment.
I have the 72nd MPM kit and it can be built as either a T-1 or T-2, i would imagine the 48th is the same.