What a kit, worked on it all day, laid up from back surgery…if someone let me know how to post pictures …
This is what I did.
I opened an account with photobucket, www.photobucket.com
Simply click Not a User? Sign Up Free Now! And the rest is straightforward.
Uploading pictures:
Photobucket allows you to uppload one ore many (use the ”Submit multiple pictures” option) pictures.
Photobucket also allows you to create individual albums for your pictures, very useful if you want to maintain more then one subject.
You can chose to upload everything directly to your Photobucket root directory if you do not require this feature.
When you have created one ore more albums you simply navigate into your albums by clicking on them, navigate back to your root directory by clicking on the next left directory under “Album:” top left under the Photobucket navigation bar.
Upload your pictures using the ”Image:” tab, scroll to the required picture(s) on your hard disc, chose ”open” and then enter your own description under the ”Description” tab.
Click on the ”Submit” tab and the picture is uploaded to Photobucket.
Open a second Internet Explorer session.
Log on to FSM and start a post.
Edit your text to the point wher you wont to insert the picture
Switch to your Photobucket session.
Under each uploaded picture you will have the follwing tabs:
Just click in the ”Img:” field (you will notice that the whole field is selected when you do this) right click in the field ( or left if you are left handed ) chose copy in the drop down menu.
Go back to your FSM session, right click and chose insert from the drop down menu.
The line should look like this,
]IMG[http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f123/sherman111/your album name/DSC12345.jpg]/IMG[
The brackets arround IMG and /IMG are turned the wrong way in order to display this post correctly.
Then you continue to add more text or add more pics, following the same procedure.
Looking forward to your pictures on this subject
will try in the Am
added pictures today
Primed some of it allready, huh? [:)]
Looks like a magnificent build. The detail on the rivets in the front of the loco looks just great. Please keep us posted on this build.
Here is todays work
engine cab, wish kit came with gauges
anyone know were I can find a couple of engineers?
Oh man, that woodgrain effect looks great.
I don’t know of any engineers, I think you’d probably be better off trying to modify styrene figures. If anyone knows of any, please be so kind to fill us all in.
Here is todays progress
don’t glue cylinders on until your ready to mount boiler, have to adjust mine now
also there is a good article in Tamiya model mag of a CMK Loco, the paint job is somethig else
Thats a pretty nifty model ,… I will have to get one of these in the near future , it must be HUGE !
…this is your 3rd thread on the kit in 5 days , isn’t it ? Regarding the drivers( not engineers in Euroope) you want to place in the cab. I suspect as others have suggested you’ll have to alter an existing figure. I would caution you to keep in mind these lokos were operated by the Reichsbahn; and though uniformed, crews were civilians. They wore the traditional double-breasted tunic with unbloused trousers. Head gear was again the traditional trainman’s peaked floppy. Blouse colour would be Prussian blue; as it had been since the turn of the century.
I might add that the Kriegsloko was in reality a BR50; one of 3 large lokos selected for standard production by the Ministry of Armament & Supply (Albert Speer) as part of the “Emtfeineungs” Program of standardization imlpememted in late 1941/42. All lokos in service up to that time were painted Black with Red trim. These new BR50s ( the other two pilots were subsequently dropped from the program) were dressed in overall grey. In late '43 the color was changed to a dull grey. Therefore if you want to achieve historical accuracy, those are the base colours applicable.
Yes it is. Unfortunately, most people can’t stay on topic and discuss the model. Instead, it turns into a political flame-war.
Glad to see you’re making some nice progress on this loco. Have you decided on a paint scheme yet?
As for figures, you should be able to modify some German tanker figures, sitting or standing.
hey sherman 111–the build looks real nice-- you must be going a full speed dude![:D] making all kinds of progress–i think this is a model i may be interested in owning some day— i hope your back heals well [:D]-- treadwell
Hay shermen 111 your engain looks really good. Hope it turns out great!!
New pictures today
I think I am going to do a winter camo
Great progress so far. That CMK loco in the TMMI is absolutely spectacular. It will be something I will try to replicate with my own. You would probably be better off using real coal, or some other material, instead of the moulded bumpy sheet Trumpeter provides for it.
Sherman111, I’m picking up that kit this weekend along with the K-5 Leopold to go with it…your’s is looking great! I’ll be starting the build when I finish the Hornet CV-8 (one of the most labor-intensive kits I’ve ever built). I noticed what appears to be a fair amount of filler on the boiler/cab; bad fit? Bad molding? Wot
There were some small circles in the plastic, and small gap to fill
Started camo on tender
Great job on the camo stripes. Will you be going for a heavily weathered look?
Yes going to do a heavy well worn look. I havent had much luck on finding pictures for this engine on the internet, even went to moldel railroad catologs.
anyone out there know if the doors on the cab opeaned in or out ?
here are todays picture