Koster 1/48 A-20

Just got a great deal on echo-Bay on a Koster 1/48 Vac-form A-20.I got this kit for $8.50!Wow! what a deal!Has anyone built a Koster Vac-form kit before?Just wondering if this kit is superior to combat Models kits.Any info would be appreciated.I plan to paint it olive drab over grey with invasion stripes.


I had a friend that built the Koster A-20. The only problem he had as I remember was the nose glass but the kit overall was really sweet. Koster makes Very Good vacuforms and are head and shoulders above all of the combat stuff I’ve seen. The price was a major steal too. [tup]

All kits are better than the Combat Models kits. I have built several Koster kits and find them to be well detailed with good engineering and fit.

Cool!I am looking forward to building it after the Morane Saulinier is finished.

This is a nice kit and the photo etch alone is worth what you paid.


Max Bryant

Mightymax,what is the problem with the nose canopy?Should i try to obtain a Falcon replacement?

Wasn’t me that stated there was a problem.


Max B.