’s Events Calendar
I want to thank everyone who has been submitting events.
I would also like to encourage anyone who knows of an upcoming event that’s not already listed to add them to the list. In the past couple of days I have added a bunch of upcoming shows. However, there are a lot more that aren’t listed yet. We’re also low on the number of events outside the US. I know there’s more than what we currently have. [:)]
Events (contests, conventions, swap meets, etc)
Online Events (contests, special guest chats, etc)
Events submitted on the website, will also be considered for publication in the magazine (it depends on dates of publication - a four-month lead time is needed, space available in the magazine and information submitted).
Also, if you have any questions, comments and/or suggestions for that part of the site, don’t hesitate to let us know – either post them here or email us directly.
Thank you & Happy Modeling!!