Was thinking of building the 1/72 Revell kit (ausf D/ausf A), which I got from my daughter for my birthday, in Normandy. Tired of seeing Panther up and running, I’m contemplating one that would habe been knocked-out and left upside down by the blast of a bomb explosion during a ‘carpet-bombing’ raid. It would be a ‘side’ element in a little diorama with passing civilians going on after their business.
Anybody seen any real pics of something like that? I have a couple showing Pz IV in that state, but none of Panthers…
Would the turret be still ‘attached’ to the hull? Or would it have been blown away?
There’s a picture of one in Squadron’s “Panther in Action”. It’s on page 28. Turret is still on, but the rear of the turret is blown off and part of the race from the turret ring is hanging out the hole. Not a healthy looking panther at all.
Ive seen a few pics like that, ill see if i can find them and show them to you.
Same book as above, Squadron signal’s Panther in Action, page 35. Kind of fits your description of your idea. Internal explosion, turret still on but all hatches blown off.
How do you paint such tiny figures? Good luck.
Thanks for the tip guys, I’ll get that book! Small scale figures are quite easy in fact, Tigerman. I use a lot of white metal figures so I prime, then give a coat of 'base camouflage paint, paint details (insignas, buttons,…), give it a wash or two, and drybrush. Fleshy bits are just done with a mix of red/white/yellow, then given a wash of artist oil Burnt Sienna. That’s it!