I understand your thinking, and economically it makes a some sense, but the fundemental issue you’ve overlooked is: What would the box art look like?
In a more serious tone, the current system seem to be the best solution for all parties involved. THe name of the game is marketing, marketing, marketing.
The Model OEM: Offering differnt version, or re-releases with different decals, of the same basic plastic kit adds sales at little cost to them. Sure decasl cost anywhere from $6 to $15 for aftermarket, but I would bet the Model company pays closer to $1 a set since they buy so many. Some model companies may even makes their own decals. My point is that you wouldn’t see a 9% to 15% drop in prices because decals aren’t inlcuded. Their chosen markings are thrown in to entice the on-the-fence buyer.
The AM Companies: People like Aeromaster, Sky Models, Pyn-Up, etc. make money by doing decals the right way, offering intersting and unusual schemes in high quality. They already flourish, even though decals are included in the kit. Knowing that you don’t HAVE to buy AM decals, the healthy competitiveness between decals companies keep the prices relatively low and the quality high. AM decals are truly optional, so they have to offer a good product to entice you to buy. By forcing the consumer to buy decals each time a kit was purchased, the number of decals offered would increase dramatically, but would the quality level fall?
The Model Builder: Simply put, Tamiya is notorious for “thick” decals, yet they are still heralded as one of the top model manufacturers. The model sells despite the decals. Hobbycraft decals are known to be innacurate, off color and offset. Yet they sell models because the kit price is cheap. This isn’t a complaint about Hobbycraft…it’s just their marketing strategy. The majority of the model building society does not buy or not buy a kit because of the QUALITY of the decals. Yet, the MARKINGS offered entice you to look more closely at a kit. The most popular/well known markings are typically depicted because the average joe is going to be more prone to buy the “Spirit of St.Louis” than some Ryan exploration plane. The model fanatics that are set on building a specifically researched plane are going for AM anyways, and you just buy the best kit for your needs.
If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.
I’ll get off the[soapbox]
Now, back to the original question: What would the box art look like?