kits for 05

what do you think we will see this coming year? i’m hoping for trumpeter to release its new 1:32 harrier. i’d really like to see the 1:350 ship series expanded to include IJN carriers from WW2 like the akagi or hiryu. what do you think?

1/32 FGR2 phantom would be nice

There are allready several kits announced for release in 2005. Trumpeter 1/48 Vigilante, FW-200 Condor, Wellington bomber, Hasegawa 1/48 P-40E & 1/32 Frank, Revell 1/48 Super Bug & 1/32 He-162 Salamander, & Accurate Miniatures 1/48 Vindicator are on my most wanted list. I’m sure there will be many more by years end. So many kits, so little time [:)].

Regards, Rick

Ah yes, the modeler’s lament! As I am a recent returnee to the hobby there are many kits that I have to catch up on, never mind what is about to be released. I think that He 162 deserves a really good look though. As I build primarily in 1/72 though I still want a new Halifax in my scale too.

I wish that Tamiya would come out with P-38. If they did as good a job on that as the P-47…drool.

And I’m with Steve on wanting them to do a Curtiss Hawk series.

And, I doubt that may people are with me on this one, but I’d like to see Tamiya re-tool their Rufe (I know, not much demand.) Maybe Hasegawa could outshine Tamiya with a Rufe the way they did with their Frank.

Finally, I’d like to see anyone put out a new Devastator.

Justen, Hasegawa has a Rufe in 48th… [;)]

I really hope that Mr. H. runs with the ball and has tooled their P-40E/N kits to allow them to do some Merlin Hawks in the future. I’d also think that a K wouldn’t be out of the question. The AMT/AMtech kits just don’t do it for me.

One of my ‘predictions’ (read: wishful thinking) did come true however, with the announcement of the Trumpeter Me 262 in 32nd. I’d liked it to have been Hasegawa or the like, but I’ll take it…

Also, with the hype about the P-40B/C by Trumpeter and those coming from Hasegawa, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a new P-36 in 48th.

Time will tell, I s’pose…

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Well, actually Hasegawa has an excellent 1/48 Rufe that was released a few years ago & does outshine the Tamiya kit. A new Devastator would be nice.

Regards, Rick

They do have a Rufe…[:O]

[#oops]…I suck.

I’m hoping AMTech finally gets off its butt and releases that B-52H.

How about for AM to release every version of the SBD not currently in production [;)] I see the -3a and -4 on the preorder list at GM, but we all know how long that can be…

I know what you mean Bstrump,I also hope that Trumpeter follows through with the 1/32 A-7E Corsair[:D]

Airfix have announced a 1/72 TSR-2 AT LONG LAST!!!

geez all i wanted was a b-18. well and a 1/32 injection b-17 and a good detailed p-40b and…


Does anyone have a Fleet Fort (weird little stacked-tandem cockpit trainer) on the market? i just think it’s a neat plane.

I would definately like to see the new BUFF. Is AMTech a descendent of AMT or ERTL?

I’d like to see a Ki-100b. I don’t believe anyone makes one, am I correct? Come on Hasegawa, pull the trigger.

I just wanna see AMTech get the 1/48 P-61/F-15 Blackwidow/Reporter series on the shelves!!! And, of course, Trumpeter to get the 1/35 CH-47 Chinook up and running!!

I want to see some new 1/72 heavy bombers like a newly tooled lancaster , halifax short sterling and maybe a new sunderland to replace airfixs beauty?

If Tamaya did F-100 in 1/48 it [|)]would be really nice.

One would think so as I think all of their releases so far are based on “old” AMT/Ertl moulds.