Kit prices

I was at my LHS yesterday. It is a very fine true modelers shop, not a toy store. The guy has kits floor to cieling (thousands). Great place and people.Yet the prices are insane. The Tamiya famo with trailer was $157.00. the new stug III(#35281) was 44.95.

I used to buy mail order for years from Discount Hobby Center in Utica NY. Bought dozens of kits from them at far below shop prices, with great service. Since I just started to build again after a few years off, I guess they are out of business or something.

What is the best online or mail order shop now? If you buy frequently!

I saw the famo and trailer for $109. for instance. At the end of the year thats a lot of dollars saved.

I did however spend $41 dollars just for paint for my B-29. I will buy paint at the shop, but thats all.
Also do any of you buy paint through the mail?

Lots of great online retailers out there depending on what kits you are looking for. Sounds like your LHS is pricing straight retail judging by the price on the StuG III.

I’ve had great success buying from a variety of places depending on whether I’m after kits or AM stuff, never bought paint online though since my LHS maintains a great stock at decent prices.

These are a few I have had success with. There are lots of others out there too.

Great Models:

Sprue Brothers:


Michigan Discount Models:

Roll Models:

I’ve actually found some of my best deals on ebay. Recently picked up Trumpeter’s 1/32 Me 262A-1a for $41 bucks, and that includes shipping. When there, just choose your sellers wisely.

I like to buy as much stuff as I can from the LHS. I only due this to support the local shop even if it means a few extra bucks. The local business owner has gone out of his way for me and the local model club, so we find it important to give him all the business we can.

These complex modern kits keep me busy for quite a while, so kit costs aren’t as much a factor for me as other things. Many of my friends keep themselves busy by customizing or improving their cars. They’ll spend hundreds of dollars to keep themselves busy for just a few hours. Modelers, on the other hand, may spend $50 dollars on a kit, $20 on materials, which will keep them busy for weeks or months. This is a pretty cheap hobby even with the costs of modern kits.

Just to give you an idea of my situation with expendable income: I’m not married.

Things may be different for you married guys.

Semper Fi,


Some observations and an award:

Observation #1

Funny, this doesn’t surprise me. Far below shop prices and additional service translates into low profit on materials purchased and high labour costs = Out Of Business.

Observation #2:

Not only will (or should, at least) will the LHS support you, but your money stays within your local community and probably directly impacts on your life style in taxes paid to the municipality, state or province, and your livlihood in reciprocal business.

And now the award. Presented to Ridleusmc for Understatement Of The Year for his comment:

You don’t realize just how true that is! [(-D]

Thank you for your support of us Chris.

Local hobby shop owner.

And remember those on-line prices may be nice but the S&H is where they get you.

There was a local hobby shop near where I live that was a weekly ritual for many. Thursday was their late night (open until 7:30pm) where the ‘gang’ would meet, shop, show their work, discuss life in general, etc. Those people got to be more like family than just fellow modelers. This went on for years until a fire devastated their shop. I really miss that place. Now, the nearest LHS is an 85-mile round trip and in a different state ( a trip I do make from time to time ), so on-line for me is an economic alternative.

Especially true of the many ebay sellers making up for low kit prices by charging OUTLANDISH S&H charges!

I have no LHS w/in about a 3 hour drive. I support them whenever I get down to one or see them in my travels. I usually buy supplies at them, but rarely kits. Sorry, but even with shipping, which isn’t really that bad from the above listed on-line shops, they can’t come even close to the prices at on-line vendors.

Ebay isn’t really a place for deals. Occassionally you can find them, but not usually. You can’t blame the seller for jacking up the S&H costs. The buyer sees it and agrees to pay that before bidding. Continue to bid on/buy items with crazy S&H will show that it is accepted and allow it to continue.

I agree in supporting local business, ie the local hardware mom and pop, as opposed to going to Home Depot, however there were years where my savings on modeling by using mail order were between 1,000 and $1500. That is significant. Over a ten year period, do the math. I presume the internet put DHC out of business, as I was buying there from 85 to 97". When the Tamiya 1/350 Enterprise was selling for $199 in the LHS. I paid $129. w $7 S&H. If I can get the famo and trailer for $110 lets say with even $10 $S&H, I would be saving $37 plus the tax. and that is only one model.

I simply can’t buy from the local guy ( a 30 yr store) and he knows it. I will buy OOP kits as he has so many from time to time, and all my paint tools and misc.

I also agree that our hobby is relatively inexpensive. People that ski may spend 3-4 grand a year on equip travel lift tickets.

Thanks for the feedback

The only reason they charge those prices is because people continue to buy from them instead of reporting those auctions (selling widgets at $0.99 and charging $15 s/h) for obvious fee avoidance.

Also, there are many LHS owners who also sell on ebay.

I have found that my LHS is willing to make as good of a deal as he can on kits and supplies. He might not be as cheap as say an online dealer but no shipping, plus I dont have to wait for my stuff. It never hurts to ask, the worst they could do is say “sorry no discounts.” [soapbox]

Not when you make a pricey order as opposed to a minimal order of say a few paints or something.

As far as ebay, I agree and disagree. I just purchased a Tamiya plane that retails for $28 for $12 including shipping. There isn’t a LHS that can beat that price. I don’t care about spendy shipping, as long as I end up getting a $30-40 kit for about half including shipping. I have many times so far, just be choosy and don’t get into a bidding war unless you really need it.

Even stores that carry models in the toy section seem to be cutting back on the number and selection of kits they stock.

You think you got it bad in the US, I’ve lived in the midlands for 12 years, & within 25 mile radius there were 8 GOOD LHS, now there are 3, with 1 of those a book shop that sells die-cast cars & some kits.

I read recently that demographics aren’t helping, we are getting older (at least in body!) [:O], & some are falling off the end of the scale! I recently joined the Local Hobby Club, & i’m the youngest at forty-ahem!
So where are the youngsters? We need to encourage them!

When i started a basic airfix kit was a few groats, eg, pocket money! now try & find something under UKP £5.00, ($8.00-10.00)

Combine this with the expense of kits, UKP £15 ($21.00) for Italeri & UKP £35 ($50.00) for Tamiya latest retail isn’t unusual, IF you can find them!

Rant over! I’m off to check my stash, count my resin after market & PE stock, seeing which interior set/Mega Kit i’m drooling over I can buy this month, & wishing Accurate Armour, & Resicast et al, would hold a sale!

Jon UK

I like the feel of my LHS. There is nothing like paying and having that box in your hands right there and then. However, here and there I’ve bought online, for quite cheap. All that seems to have whittled down as of late. I don’t know, but everyone seems to be asking more for shipping right now, and when I factor that in, rarely is it cheaper in the end.

I think you should keep supporting your LHS! It is always handy to have a good shop nearby!

I buy online ocasionaly, but visit my LHS every month, and buy something (even if it only is a bottle of paint or glue [;)])

Just my [2c] Jan [:)]

I prefer to support the LHS if possible.But my LHS’s just don’t have much of a selection.I’m primarily into 1/72 armor.One shop had about 5 assorted kits/manufacturers and the other had the same old Hasegawa and Airfix kits that he always has.Other than kits,I buy all of my supplies and tools at the LHS.As for Ebay,I only have gotten kits that aren’t widely distributed (Armourfast) or kits that are OOP(Italeri Porsche Tiger I).As always,I enjoy a trip to the LHS.

some hobby shops have a discount bin my 2 of the 3 in my area do

with 30-50 off list

and 1 of them has a frequent shoppers card 10% off on all but the discount bin

and he will open certain kits to show what your getting

for example ( he does not have it yet but) if he gets in the new bronco models he will have one unsealed to show off

can’t do that on line