King Tiger

My next model will be a King Tiger. And I was just wondering if anyone has any suggestion on the paint scheme? Thanks in advance.

There’s always the Ardennes Front paint scheme.

What is the Ardennes Front paint scheme? I was just wondering.

It’s the ambush scheme. Alternatively, you could go for a red oxyde scheme… During the later parts of the war, German tanks (well, some anyway) left the factories with the red oxyde primer as only colour coat…

This is a ambush scheme ive used on my Kingtiger

there are ones with more dots or smaller dots but they can be whatever you like

Definately ambush scheme.

Yeah, I think it makes the King Tiger look even nastier…if that were even possible.

KingTigerous Ambushcous [;)]

Is it a Henschell or Porsche turret? I’ve got both. Now personally, for the Henschel, I agree with the Ambush. On the POrsche, the stripped sceme (as shown on the side of the Tamiya kit box ) would be the ay I’m going when I get around to putting that baby togethr.

Mine is the Porsche turret. Is the striped sceme the one on the top of the amiya box or what side? The one with the winter sceme or what? And the other thing is would you suggest the zimmerit coating?

All 50 Porsche King Tigers had zimmerit. So you have to do it to be correct. Zimmerit with ambush. And replace the rubber band tracks for metal tracks, give it the sag of real life.

thats an odd mix for a Porche Kingtiger

Do it in Panzer Gray and drive everybody nuts!