King Tiger

Did the King Tiger with the Henschel turret have zimmerit coating?


I’ve got a reference with two photos of tanks in museums, one at Shrivenham and one at Kubinka. Both have Henschel turrets, both have Zimmerit.

Yes, both turrets (Porsche & Henschel) had Zim and non-Zim coatings.

theres a good picture in £Then and Now Panzers in Normandy" of a henshel Tiger 2 with Zimmerit.
ps look at Erock68s picture of the tiger 2, thats got Zimmerit.

Yes both had Zim, but it was rare to see the Poeshe Turret without it. Basically only prototype Porshe Turrets didn’t have it. As for Henschel turets, it all depends, and again all depends on the era you are modeling. Here is a very useful link…



Again I would like to say thanks for the info!