I’m getting ready to build a 1/35 King Tiger Eastern Front version including interior and engine compartment. My question is: what are the basic interior colors, especially in the turret and crew compartment, radios, gun breech, etc.?
I don’t really have time to research armor books, find the books I need, order and then wait for delivery. I find and purchase 99.5% of my modelling subjects and materials online because I live and work in Germany. It’s also very hard to find a convenient, well-stocked hobby and modelling shop here (haven’t found one yet). I get a lot of my modelling tips and processes from this forum and from FSM magazine, probably the two most valuable modelling resources.
I don’t know where in Germany you work, but I believe there is a very good hobbyshop in Köln.
If you still work in Germany next April, make sure you go to West-Falen Hallen to see “Intermodellbau” in Dormund, I believe it is in the first weekend of April.
Interior of turret and upper hull is elfenbien (Tamiya Buff is a good match). Some gun components will be this colour, others will be grey-green or natural metal.
See this site for interior pics:
For Engine compartment check out Verlinden’s site for pics of their completed AM kit, although I would paint the interior of the compartment Red-Brown primer.:
According to the Osprey reference booklet, Peter Battle’s info in his post is correct. There is some mention of Tiger ll’s delivered to Abltng. 501 and 503 that were red primer in the fighting compartment due to paint shortage issues surrounding bombing at the factory in Kassel. Obviously after November '44 shortages with paint were apparent.
Thanks for the info, the interior pics are great and will be very helpful.
For Dan in Belgium - I live in Regensburg, eastern Bavaria not far from the Czech border. Koln and Dormund are a long drive from here. I haven’t looked hard in Munich yet for a hobby shop but probably can find one there, and I’m fairly close to Munich. As I said earlier, I purchase most of my stuff online and have a couple good sites where I can get most of everything I need. Great Models Webstore is one of them.