King Tiger Ardennes Front

im trying to paint my king tiger, and i want it to look just like the one built at

Im told that the colors to use are Tamiya spray TS-1,TS-2, and TS-3.

Can anybody out there help me find the right colors? thanks

Yes, those are the correct Tamiya Spray Colors.
It might be easier to spray a base coat of TS-3 dark yellow and brush with XF-61 dark green and XF-64 red brown.
At least it would be for me[:)]

do u mean airbrush or just with a regular brush, i havent yet gotten into airbrushing cause it looks rather complicated

Hand brush the dark green and red brown. It will be hard to spray a pattern with cans. I suppose you could mask off the area but, I think you will do better by hand.You really should try an airbrush. It makes life so much easier.

I was looking at testor airbrushes, the simplest ones. In that case, would you just buy the acrylic brush paints of the Tamiya colors and use them through the airbrush?

First, you need to know I`m far from being an expert with an airbrush.
I would suggest you get as good a brush as possible. A double action will do anything you train yourself to do. With proper care and maintance, it will last many years. Fine lines are easier to achieve than with a single action.
Look at this site for more information.

Do a google search ‘airbrush basics’ for more info.

If i use the acrylic paints instead of the spray, I wont get the same even, smooth coat as seen in the Tamiya pictures. However, using the spray looks harder to get those intricate patterns unless it’s possible to get a “tuner” for cans so I can adjust the flow of paint. I want it to look like in the pictures, but i dont want to screw it up. Thanks for all your help.