Hi guys, I just had to post this. I just used MM Dark Green for one of the camo colours instead of Tamiya, dam!! There is a huge diff! I found that the MM was thinned perfectly and sprayed even better, such a nice cover over the model. I can’t believe it. I think this experience is going to make me start to switch over to MM instead of the Tamiya. I just think MM blows everything away.
Any of you who use Tamiya, I encourage you to try MM!
*The cleaning of my AB sucked, but for such a nice result, I can live with that.
Sorry for the rant, I was just so happy, surprised and wanted to share.
No that’s cool mate. Love the stuff too. I’ve only just recently started using it myself, & am slowly changing over what colours I can. Sometimes they can be a bit too thin, especially when brushing, but when dry they have a nice finish to them & a hardness I have yet to see from other enamels.
Just curious, are you using the Enamel or Acryl paints. I used to paint with Acryl, but now I use enamel only. Love the coverage but hate the smell. Plus I find the enamel easier to clean up after then the Acryl.
Ive have been ussing MM paints since they came out. Like you noticed they are pre thinned for airbrushes but a little extra thinner doesnt hurt. As far as cleaning my air bruch, I use the MM thinner for that, one or two color cup fulls does the trick usually. Thier line of colors is also so extensive, I think they have pretty much covered EVERY military color. Would like to see some weathering colors in the line though.
I usually use Tamiya acrylic paints, but based on Heavyarty’s recommendation, i’ve decided to try model master enamel as well. I haven’t tried it yet, but will probably start painting my tanks this weekend. By the way, anyone has any experience with Valero paints?
Ive used model master enamles and tamiya acrylics. I must say I loved the Tamiya paints for airbrushing much better, but for figure painting I prefer MM. I really love the ease of cleaning the AB with acrylics. I only switch to MM when I need a special color since they have a large selection of colors.
MM enamels are all I’ve ever worked with as well. Mostly driven by the fact that my LHS had them readily available in a wide range of stock and not much else, but that’s a different story. Not all of the MM line are truly AB ready depending on what you want to do with them, but that’s easily fixed as well.
I use MM, tamiya , poly scale,and humbrol. So far, I have no favorite, I use differnt brands for different applications.
MM do go a long way for the money, and the colors are pretty much dead on.
Are you sure the MM enamels are prethinned for airbrushing? I know for certain the MM Acryl line is. Never heard of or read of the enamels being prethinned.
Based on my experience, nothing can be taken for granted. I use MM enamels extensively, and while they normally need thinning for airbrushing, I have had a few bottles that airbrushed fine without thinning. On the other hand, whil I only have used MM Acryl occasionally, each bottle needed thinning for airbrushing. Somewhere I heard that Tamiya acrylics shoot straight from the bottle, but again that hasn’t matched my experience.
Here is the skinny on thinning MM enamels. The 1000 series is not airbrush ready, but the newer Model Master II (2000 series) is thin enough to spray out of the bottle. But of course, everyone has there thinning ratio that they like, regardless of the bottle consistency.