Just picked up Tamiya Tiger 1 and Sherman CD Rom

its ok, but it dos’nt load onto the computer
and the movies dont work without Quick time, it includes quicktime but when you regester it i cant find the reg code it asks for
the sherman and tiger disks have some nice pictures of the unit badges that used the AFV, so your never be stuck with who had what
im still playing with them
but has anyone got an idea of what to do with the QT reg number?

That’s odd. You would think that the disk would have some sort of certificate included for the software. Try going to Quicktime’s site and see if they have a free download or at least customer service.

I checked. They do have a free version and then a Pro VErsion that costs money. Try downloading the free version

thanks, i just didnt put anything in and it still loaded QT, i just dont like QT on my photos or other things

There should be a way to disable it for pics and such> I always hated having to have mutiple programs like that because they always compete and ask to be made the default viewer

I’ve got it working now
The cd roms very nice, the unit markings and line drawings are great and it even lets you print out to scale
The sherman one has allot of detail on it with different sections for the hull turret and suspension, it’s got the US, British, French and Israeli but there’s no Russian shermans in it
I only got them because they were £9.99 each and not the normal £35
I might get the T34 one next

The QT is ONLY needed when playing the movies and the 360 turret internals…This is a need that cannot be avoided…

A tip or two with them…

Go to the “map” (link at the bottom of the pages)…then go to the Movies or the 360…higher res than in the main screens…you can also zoom in on these using the “shift” and the Ctrl keys…move about by holding the mouse button down…keep it down and move left right…it will spin…FAB stuff

In the Model Range section…dont forget the numbers at the bottom right…each number is another pic…sounds like you are only 10/20 into whats there



Oh…BTW…Apple QT is fine…one of the most stable and non screwwie progs out there


thanks for the info Alikj i remember you had done them and found them today at a good price
i dont even think im 10/20 maybe 05/20
i did like the video of Wittmann on the Sherman CD ROM

Just in case some of you people don’t like to use QT or for that matter Real Player, here are some links you can use to get the alternative programs. They work inside of windows, but don’t have some of the negative issues that the others have.



Anyone need any other programs like this, let me know. I have a huge number of programs available most of the time.

Scorn,you know of any way to convert PDF files to Jpegs??

In relation to the movies…because of the copy and code protectionn…only QT will work with them BTW…and enjoy…you will find them one of the better Refs you have :)…and thanks…Its nice to see people enjoying them :slight_smile:


I already had QT on my PC, so it was OK!

One of the coolest things on the Tiger disk is the footage of the Sturmtiger firing a round!

i havnt got that far yet but will look for it
i just didnt like QT changing everything on my pc when i didnt want it changed (that was 6 years ago and have been scared ever since, but the scars are healing now this is ok)
ive done it so that didnt happen this time

whats the T34 one like, and are there newer versions out soon (justb wondering why they have come down in price?)

Personally I think the T-34 is as good as the Sherman…But its not German and a Tiger so some may say otherwize…technacally and programme wize it is easyier to navigate etc…but the same number of photos etc…so at worst…as good :slight_smile:

No more on the way…sorry…way to costly…in the Sherman there are 100s of pics etc…makes the cost very high to produce…

There is a DVD Vid that uses some of the detail in the CD but I have seen it and its very poor in relation…there is also some copywrite challange planned by Cassel & Co I belive…not people to take the pi**** out off !!