Just picked up Tamiya P-47D Thunderbolt "Bubbletop

That is a sweet looking kit. I think Tamiya just keeps getting better and better with how fine their injection molded detail is. I think I’m just going to build this one sob, a little weathering and I think it’ll look great!

Has any one else picked one of these up yet?


I finished mine about 2months ago and youre right that is a gem. I didn’t need any filler at all I also build it sob with just the addition of some seat belts.[:D][:D][:D][:D]

You’ve got a P-47D Bubbletop? I’ve got
one ordered from my local shop. Didn’t know they were
due out this soon. I need to pick up some paint so I’ll check on mine tomorrow. Sure it’s not a Razorback ? That’s an excell-
ent kit . [:D]

Yeah fuzzy, it’s a bubble top. My dealer will order stuff straight from Japan sometimes so that may be why they got them in already. They just had gotten them in yesterday when I went in and I couldn’t walk out without one. [:D]


Whaz up,
My local hobby shop will be getting the “bubbletop” in by the end of the week or so. Cant wait AAHHHHHH…!!!
If its anything like the Razorback man that will be one SWEET Jug!![:D].
What markings do they provide?? Do ya see any other accessories that may lead to other variants?
Flaps up,Mike

They give you markings for 84th FS, 78th FG and 551st FTS, 495th FTG. As far as other varients I couldn’t really say. I’m not up on the P-47 that much. I just know it looks great in the box and I expect it’ll live up to Tamiya’s standards!!


sorry guys,

I didný finish the bubbletop but the razorback about two months ago but if the bubble top is as good as the razorback it will be a gem. I for one am looking forward to obtain it


so how does it compair to the Hasegawa & Academy kits are they just as good or better the the rest?, I know the price is a little high but am I going to get it in quality detail?, reason is I’m debating on either the Hasegawa or Academy but now there is a Tamiya kit so that may weigh the table thanks[8D]

Hey erush,
Thanks for the feed back man…!! As for the Tamiya Razorback, I have the interior done and the fuselage assembled(YES, I put the interior in first before I closed her up[:p])
So far the kit is VERY impressive, cant wait to see the
final results.
Flaps up,Mike

No problem Butz! How 'bout some pics of your progress??? I’ve got a few other kits going that I have to finish before I can start on mine. I’m looking forward to it though.


Tamiya’s razorback T-bolt is one sweet kit. Shake the box, (toss the paint in first) and out comes a great looking plane. :slight_smile:

I’m looking forward to picking up this kit. I have the Revell 1/32 bubbletop, but it will require so much aftermarket detailing because of it’s crude mold that I’ve put it on the bottom of my “to do” shelf. I also prefer the 1/48 scale. Are there any websites carrying this yet?


I haven’t gotten one of the bubbletop kits as of yet, but have seen photos of the part trees. It appears that there are provisions made for the dorsal fin, outboard landing light, and dive brakes, so it looks like a D-30 will be available in the future. Now if they would also do the engine and prop for a P-47M… [:D]

Sorry,suprised me that they were out this soon ! Don’t blame
you for getting one. Thanks for the heads up.

No problem fuzzy! Like I said, I think my dealer ordered these straight from Japan. They’ll do that sometimes as they come out a few weeks sooner. I just wanted to tingle some tastebuds with anticipation!! [:D]


Thanks for the update!!
Flaps up,Mike

Anticipation? Saw a P-47D up close at an
airshow a couple of weekends ago. Nice to see one fly.
That’s one BIG aircraft. I’m hoping my pictures turn out
ok and then I read your post. Suprise, suprise look what’s
coming. Awww man, glad you got one but it makes it hard
to wait for mine![:D]

Which markings are in the kit? How much is it?