Just got AMT/ERTLs Droid Tank from ROTS

Looks like a nice easy build. The main track is one piece that is preformed to shape.
May have to invest in a couple more for some different ideas.

If you haven’t seen it yet, Alfred Wong has a couple built up on his site.


It looks really cool! About how long is that unit? And the price is decent, being only $12 where I found it on Starship Modeler. In fact, there are several models I found of that vein that I’d like to build:


That Jedi starfighter looks really cool! And that B-wing, too!

The kit will be about 9" long when done (anywhere between 1/48 and 1/72nd scale).
The Jedi fighter does look nice but the B-wing is the old, small scale, low detail kit. One of the guys over on Starship Modeler said you could fit 3 of the kits in the box, it is that small.

None of the kits from the new movies has shown up here. Only rereleased x-wing, at-at, at-st walker, and the Falcon have shown up here. I have yet to see the Jedi fighters.

I was in the local hobby store when they got them in. The owner asked me if I was getting a Binks Mobile.

It took me a few seconds to realize he meant this kit. Looking at the two eyes on top it did remind me a bit of Jar Jar.

Styrofoam Guy

Hello everybody. I’m Mike from Poland. I just bought this model and I realised that there is no painting scheme exept photos on the box. The are few pictures on the web but usually quality is low. Do you have any reference photos? Regards and sorry for my poor English :wink: