The critics totally “bombed” that movie but I actually like it for some reason or another (granted john beluschi being the only reason why i like it). One of my upcoming projects will have to be be Wild Bill Kelso’s P-40.
I disagree with the critics also, I thought it was a hoot. I can’t remember the old farmer guys name who gets captured, but that line after he swallowed the compass “You ain’t gonna get S*&% outta me!” is still a classic. I thought Dan Ackroyd was pretty funny as the demented tank commander.
That movie is, in my opinion, one of the best and funniest WWII movies out there. If you get a chance, watch all of the special stuff on the DVD. MOst of the stuff in the movie is based on fact! And yes, Belushi was classic in that movie.
That would be Slim Pickens, the same actor that rode the H-bomb in Dr. Strangelove! Both great flicks. And how 'bout Toshiro Mifune AND Christopher Lee in the same film? Speilberg had a great time with this one.
The name of Slim Pickens character was Hollis P. Wood, hence the confusion when the Jap Admiral asks, “Where Horrywood?” LMAO
One thing I really like about that flick is the fact that the German and the Jap officers are talking to each other in their own languages and understand each other perfectly. The humor is sometimes so subtle…
Okay, this is bound to go long here, but here’s some of my favorite lines from the film:
“Been tracking a squadron of Jap Zeros for three days…”
“This isn’t the state of California, it’s the state of insanity!”
“Donna, my interest is very strategic…”
“No bombs will be dropped here.”
“We’ve got to find a way to make these things smaller…”
“Pamona, which way’s Pamona?”
“That’s a Nakajima Zero, or I’m a bigger dummy than he is…”
Sgt, “What’s the plan of action sir?” General Stilwell, “Hold the block… you can hold one block, can’t you?”
“Sir, we tried to hold the block but the plane broke through our perimeter.”
“He shot down a Jap sub, too.”
“THAT, is the craziest Sonofabitch I ever saw, how many more like him do you think are up there?”
“BOMBS! I don’t hear any bombs going off; they came all the way from Asia, don’t you think they’d bring a few bombs along?”
“I think we sank the sub, I saw it go down!”
Sorry… [8)]
Fade to Black…
War nerves? Who said war nerves?
Yeah, Blackwolf…
I loved the bit (LMAO) where the sub crew are trying to cram “Horrywood’s” radio through the sub hatch, but it’s too big. I laughed my butt off but the audience over here (in Oz) let that one slip past them.
The same goes with many references in “Stripes” with Bill Murray (It’s Miller time!!). They just didn’t get it and I felt like an idiot being the only one in a movie theatre who was laughing.
Ah, well…
Just watch it over and over again. You find something new every time. The song in the big fight scene at the USO is the fight theme from John Wayne’s “The Quiet Man.” Two fo my favorite films with a great tie-in. - Ed
My favorite scene: When the sentry kicks Wild Bill Kelso in the shin just to make sure he’s isn’t a Jap on stilts. Thought I was gonna die!!!
This could go on forever. I also liked the two guys on the ferriswheel, especially the doofus with the dummy who shoots down Wild Bill. Who couldn’t forget the Japanese crewman who looks straight up at the naked girl bouncing on the periscope saying “Howwwywood! Howwwywood!” over and over as he’s getting slapped by his commander. Also, General Stillwell sitting in the Dumbo movie sobbing during a scene of the movie. One line I do remember, "Take out those lights! Ok. Ok. I’m leaving to go buy the DVD.
Another scene I really like is when they go through the paint factory in “Lulubelle”, break out the other side covered in yellow, red, blue and who knows what other colors and then tear through the neighboring turpentine factory, coming out the other side all nice clean and shiny.
One of the local shows here has a theme award this year for best movie subject, I believe there’s a Tamiya M3 Lee calling my name…
One of my ambitions for some time now has been to build a diorama of the intersection with the USO club, movie theatre, Lulubelle and Wild Bill Kelso’s P-40.
I need a source for still photos, though. My cousin works for Universal now so maybe I could get some good stills through her, but does anyone know where I can find good quality stills from this flick? There’s really nothing good on the web that I’ve found so far, just some “eh” captures from the video.
Fade to Black…
Personally, I though the film sucked… [;)]
Long time no hear Wild Bill. Great to have ya back partner[:p][:p][:p][:p]
Flaps up, Mike
“Madness! Sheer Madness!”
“Herb, the dummies right…, it is one of ours”
“Look, I’m a bug”
“Let me tell you Mr. Hinney Kraut, we fought your kind in the Great War, and we kicked the living S*&! out of you. Over There, Over There, send the word…”
…“Japs parachuting into the Palmona alfalfa fields. Well it’s my fault for assigning him there.”
The more I think of it, the more I love it.
Brilliant film!!!If you’re playing IL-2 Forgotten Battles by ubi soft,you can download a “skin” and a Belushi pilot for the P-40.The “skin” is a “paint job”, in other words.I might just try it and have low level wild ride through Moscow!
Hey Blackwolf,
If you have a DVD-ROM in your PC, then you have all the stills you want. You can pause the movie just short of the scene you want, step up to the scene one frame at a time and get a screen print. I did this to get some reference photos for the A-26 Invader in ‘Always’.
Yeah, Scooter, I should have added a DVD drive when I ordered this toy of mine, but at the time it never entered my mind that I could use it for more than just watching flicks.
But I still would like to get my hands on some studio stills, without paying and arm and a leg on evilBay…
Fade to Black…
GET THE DVD… Lot’s of deleted scenes put back in!
Just for the record, tigerman wrote:
Ackoyd and his crew weren’t tankers. They were motor pool staff. They just jumped in a tank and took off!
The best scene (to me) had to have been Wild Bill Kelso chasing his runaway P-40 down the road, .45 blazing in the air as the gas station exploded behind him.
I agree - time to go DVD shopping!
I had my mom drop me off by myself when I was 10 for the matinee. I dont think any war movie’s come close as far as great one liners with the exception of Kelly’s Heroes or Full Metal Jacket. Heck I put it on for background noise when I’m doing something round the house. I think the diorama t do would be the P-40 fillin up at the gas station. Next time your watching it take a look during the big brawl in the street, when a car goes through the window of an Italian restaurant, the guy eating spaghetti, I swear looks like John B. dressed up in his old guy SNL costume.
My favorites:
“Real Japs?”
“No, little wooden ones cheetah.”
“Look a baby wolf”
“Is that a Winchester?”
“I got me a winchester, leever action”
“You should never put a clip of ammunition down into the feed rollers, here.”
“Safety bar, we don’t need no safety bar.”
“let me hear your guns”
and of course who could forget-
ok…when i saw it I was dating a tall redhead who decided that night to wear this nasty low cut black danskin outfit…I had to choose between the movie and that…how unfair!(so i went back two night later and saw it(the movie)…that p40 by the way sat in the Mitchell field musem(now the Cradle of Aviation museum)for years…it was not a real p40…it was all scratchbuilt!!!..I was appalled!!!it sure looked like a real p40…(well thats what the sign said in front of the plane).