Just began modelling...My first 2 aircraft ive decided to build! Am i inover my head???

Hi. Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is James and i just got into modeling and im working on a 1/24 custom lifted jeep and then a revell enzo as my first two models ever!!! I have a Tamiya Honda RC211V that i wll build and have already ordered photo etched parts for it. I decided to get a model plane and well i ended up getting a 1/48 revell F-14A Tomcat as my first plane that i will build. I also wanted something that i had my eye on but figured that i wouldnt build it right away…and thats the the Tamiya F-16CJ Block 50 Fighting Falcon comes into play…i think its an amazing kit and my friends dad owns a hobby shop down the street from me and he said if i need any help to let him know. Here a few pics of the boxes showing them off. Im gonna take so long to tackle the F-16 cause i want it just right. I also including my Ferrari Enzo motor that im in the process of detailing. and a shot of my custom kit bashed jeep so far. Let me know what you think. I look foward to enjoying this site alot. Ive been into RC cars for many years since i was about 16(im now probably one of the younger modelers on here as im only 22) and also diecast but i like plastic models because you can make them the way you want! Wish me luck!!

Welcome to the Forums James. Nice work on the engine. The Revell Tomcat is kinda tough for your first try at aircraft, but it will be a skill developer [:)].

Regards, Rick

Seriously nice work on the V-12 and the Jeep! Are you sure you just got into modeling? [:D] I agree with Rjk on the Revell F-14, but its not real expensive, so if it hits the wall, your not out much! I want that F-16 bad! I just can’t justify spending that much on it [:(]

Oh, and [#welcome] to the forums, nice to have you!

heyyy! how’s the ferrari? I’m building it for a science teacher of mine, but a horrible paintjob turned it from a first auto model to a torture time-waster. I had to strip it and it is sitting on my to do line…

Your builds look great! oh BTW, welcome to the forums!

Yeah i just got into modeling.Tthese are my first kits ever. i really like the Ferrari and it seems like it has real nice detail to it. I hope to add alot more detail to that V12. Everything goes together real well. I have a Tamiya RC211V that i need to do and that will get done after the first 2. Hopefully my skill will be up and ill be able to tackle that F-16. Id rather practice on a $15 model rather than the more expensive one. Thanks for the praise.

Yes, you are correct, it isn’t quite as disturbing to kill a $15 model compared to a $160 model ( i don’t know what you paid for the F-16, thats close to retail though [:D]) James, you have to have some real good natural talent, cause my first models never looked anything like that! Good job man. What engine is that in the jeep? It looks familer, but I can’t quite place it?

I paid $167 for it. I could have got it cheaper online but i figured id support my friends dads hobby shop. If i had paid cash i could have got it for $150.Online they are around $125 but i am very impaitiont when it comes to ordering stuff so i probably would have overnighted it and paid the same price. But he did give me a $10 paint brush for free:) I enjoy building stuff alot and i used to be heavily into rc cars. This is a little cheaper and they are less likely to brake.

I have no idea what engine that is. A friend gave me it cause i didnt feel like using the engine the CJ came with. I have a Tamiya Cherokee that i might steal the V-8 from and use that instead if i can fit it in the CJ engine compartment.

And as far as me having talant…Im no where near the skill level of alot of people on hear. All i can do is practice and ask questions and hopefully ill get better from one model to the next :slight_smile:

It is best to support the LHS, but sometimes they don’t have what you need and you just about have to go online to get it! I wish my LHS haed everything I needed, but unfortunatly they don’t, that and they are about a 30 min drive from me,so most of my shopping is done online. Good luck, asks lots of questions, and post many pics so we can check out your progress![tup]

eizzle: Its nice cause if i need anything as far as paint or tools and the shop isnt open, if im with my friend, his dad will probably give us the key for the shop so i can continue to model instead of being hung up with not having the right color and then i can pay him for it when we get back. I have some great ideas on the V12 as far as hoses, hose clamps, and electrical wires. Im kinda holding off on the interior until i get an airbrush as my old one broke.

One thing i cant figure out is once i sand the primer and paint the F-14 and the F-16 how do i see the molded in panel lines on the planes to outline them if i either sanded them off or painted over them? Also what do you guys use to “paint” the line detail on??

Ok, you got the model I want, and access to a hobby store! That is just not fair!

Sounds like you got some good ideas for the V12, post some pics when you get it done! As far as shading the panel lines, they won’t be lost after you paint. If you want them deeper or want to get rid of the paint from them, just use a panel scriber, or use the back of you knife to get rid of the paint. I don’t really shade the panels on my planes, so I am not much help with that, but you can check here http://www.swannysmodels.com/Weathering.html that should give you a good place to start. Good luck!

I dont really want to shade them but when the model is finished i want to be able to see the different panels. on finished models that i see, it looks like they painted black lines for the panel seperations. if the molded in lines are raised how do i paint them? Man this is more work then i thought. LOL! :slight_smile:

Also, when you guys build planes do you prime every piece or just the larger pieces such as the body? Do i really need to prime the cockpit before i paint it with testors enamels? im planning on brushing on the paint except for the body and larger parts( such as the engine on the f-16). i havent primed any of the parts on my cars, but ill definitly prime the bodies so they are as uniform and smooth/clean as possible. Any ideas or tips would be helpful.


James, I can’t really comment on the wheathering, as I don’t do it. I might add a little grit and grime, but I don’t go all out like some guys. I know there are many ways to do it and make it look good, but there are many ways to do it and make it look bad to!

On the primeing, honestly, I rarly use primer unless I have patches of putty on the model or I am painting 2 diffrent color plastics. You shouldn’t really need to primer before you paint the pit, unless you are using a light color over very dark plastic, then either spray on some primer, or use some flat white, just so the colors stay uniform.

For raised panel lines you can take a pencil and rub over the lines, that will create a shadow effect.


To add to the above comments, before I were to attempt to build the pricier Tamiya kit, I would “warm up” with a couple more less expensive Revell/Monogram or Hobby Craft or Testors kits first. That way you won’t feel so bad if you learn something later that you could have used for the more expensive kit.

I’ve got some “pricier classics” laid up that I am presently developing skills for on less expensive kits before I tackle them.

Also, if you like the F-14, the Airfix 1/72 scale kit goes together real nicely, and makes a nice beginner kit. I frankly gave up on a Monogram F-14 kit in 1/48 scale when after everything else, the landing gear struts literally not go into the holes in the fuselage, so when I applied a little pressure to force them, the main fuselage cracked and the struts look like a chicken’s legs that took a hard kick on the behind![:(!]

At least that is what I would suggest.

Tom T[C):-)]

Just to throw in one more thing. Most of the Tamiya kits in 1/48 that I have done went together like a dream. They have a little bit more simpler detail, but none the less, the fit and finish is great and they would also be a good beginner model. You can achieve good results without a lot of know how, thanks to a good engineered kit!

im definitly gonna do a few cheaper kits before i tackle the f-16cj. im thinking of buying the black box cockpit as i hear its really nice and has great detail. i think i might begin the f-14 tonight…just some of the easier things. ill post pics when i start it and how i think im doing on it…on that note i think im gonna start it right now! wish me luck :slight_smile: