Jus' a little advice, needed...

…I plan on building Tamiya’s ancient kit, the KV1 Type C. I really wanna’ go balls out with some different weatherin’ techniques! I’m gonna’ be airbrushin’ the base and highlight colours, usin’ Tamiya’s acrylics, and then applyin’ some Future Klear. I would like to know, what you guys suggest is the safest mix for an oil wash over the Klear, without leavin’ any hard edged dryin’ marks, ie oil + turps? or Enamel thinner? I plan on usin’ some filters, as well as the customary washes! I’ve heard that turpentine can leave cloudy, white marks! Thanks!

First off, if Klear is the same as Future, give it a few days to set before hitting it with washes.

You’ll find several different mixes work OK. If you’re using oils for your washes, go to the local art store and get some “odourless solvent”. This stuff is used as an alternative to turps for thinning oil paint and has very low toxicity and of course is odourless.

Sometimes I also use Tamiya acrylics in Tamiya acrylic thinner. Works fine as long as the coat of Future is set properly.

Yeah, it is the same! I think i’m gonna’ use Vallejo’s Model Air, Satin Varnish instead! I think Future, could be a little unstable, whereas Vallejo’s paint dries instantly, and is rock hard! Thanks, Aussie1.