Does anyone know of a good detail reference for the Wallis autogyro WA-116 (aka Little Nellie) used in the Bond movie “You Only Live Twice”?
The History Channel did a nice piece on it around the time the last Bond film was released. They spent a week doing the various James Bond Boy’s Toys. If you search their site ( you may be able to find the episode and when it will be shown next.
Some years ago a Brit magazine called Scale models International did a feature on detailing the Airfix kit. I’ve searched but I can’t find my copy, maybe you can find them on the net & get a back issue ordered? By the by, the original issue of the kit is worth around $200 nowadays, to collectors that is, It was reissued a few years ago, but is now out of production.
To Rob and Albert,
Thanks very much for the hint - it’s given me a direction to hunt, now.
If anyone else has any other ideas, I’d love to hear them.
Many thanks, guys
Someone has modeled Little Nellie for Microsoft Flight Simulator 98, and has made the download available as a .zip file at this page:
If you have, or can get, FS98, then I think you could load this into it and get some good screen shots from all angles.
Would be nice if GWS or someone would produce this as a kit for electric RC enthusiasts.
I may have a copy of the Scale Models Article. I KNOW I read the review, I’m just not sure if I kept the paper. I’ll have a look around when I get home.
Check these photo-links.
Sorry, couldn’t find the magazine article.’l_nellie_jbond.jpg
Hi Lee. I may be able to help. I am going to the RAF Waddington airshow this sunday and the “Little Nellie” should be there. If i can get any good photo’s of it i will post you the negatives if you want and can use them…Greg