Jagpanter zimmerit

I just opened the box on my Dragon/DML Jagpanther (kit 6245). The kit calls for zimmerit to be installed on the upper hull. I would like to use resin zimmerit but I am having a hard time finding it for this kit. Does anyone if there is zim available for this kit? Or will I have to make my own?

Hi. Aside from making your own, Greatmodels has Atak resin zimmerit for $40, Cavalier resin for $18, and Verlinden pe for $26.35. I have used Cavalier and they are good stuff. Good luck.

I’m pretty sure that the $40 set from ATAK is to covert the Tamiya Jagdpanther, late kit into an earlier version. It’s not meant for the DML Jagdpanther.