Jagdpanther Interior set

A Friend of mine who owns a modelshop sent me down the new (I think) verlinden jagdpanther interior set. To me on first impressions it looks beautiful. The etch fret looks typical verlinden(abit crappy), their etch hasn’t changed since I stopped buying verlinden about 15 years ago. If anybody is familiar with this set or the jagdpanther, please post your opinions. they will be well appreciated.



My experience with verlinden is thta they are considerably inferior to resin companies like Trakz or Jaguar. But I only have a small number of these so I may be wrong.

thankyou tankmaster7 I couldn’t agree more, I stopped buying verlinden when isaw the likes of Jadar,Armo and aries. But I must say that this piece has astounded me, I just don’t know why.

I think the last time I used their products was the upgrade set for the Tamiya Sdkfz251/9 stummel, it wasn’t that bad but the engine compartment was a disaster.

Thanks again,


I think some of their recent AFV interiors have been pretty good. I got the Jagdtiger and Elefant ones and they are an improvement over the older Jaguar interiors. I think the pattern maker has better references perhaps.

I think their older stuff can be a little suspect. However, this recent spate of interiors is OK to my eyes.

Their newer stuff is better, for example the interior for the DML T-34/76, but it is put to shame by the Trakz interior (which was mastered by Mike Kirchoff I believe, as most of their interior sets are). In aircraft their sets come behind aires, CMK, true details, black box, cutting edge and a whole bunch of others as well. I have a Verlinden engine compartment for the DML king tiger, and it is not that good. I would still buy verlinden for their ceramic buildings though.

Terry here,

Well yes I totally agree with both your comments, with one exception the T34/76 interior by verlinden, it looks like a scaled copy of the trumpeter 1/16th. Now if anybody has been following my posts, I’ve been spending quite a while working on the trumpeter kit and all I can say is that the interior is flawed, especially on the 76. The trax interior looks lovely and very well executed.

I’ve been scouring the net for reference on the Jagd and found some good stuff. I think next is a good set of indy links and the aber etch set.

