Ivan Scores

2 Eduard Yak 3s leave a smoking Tamiya Fw 190 over the skies of Russia. Both kits are OOB, with kit decals. The Russian pilots & the smoke are from magazine pictures. The German pilot was painted with the Photoshop airbrush tool. Thanks for letting me share !

YOu are getting very good at this Pix!
I like the way you are now getting the props to blur,
Keep posting!!


Well, thank you ! I really enjoy doing these. This one took the better part of today to finish. i figure, “I gotta have SOMETHING to do while the paint dries !” Thanks again. Pix.

nice job pix!

keep it up,

Thanks, muzzleflash ! I didn’t have any snow to photograph. I wanted to put the 190 crashed & burning w/ the Russians overhead. Oh, well. That one will have to wait 'till winter. Thanks !

Best yet Pixilater.

Thanks, lpolpo22 ! (I just figured out the logic of your name when I typed it in !) I’m actually starting to like it myself. Its a lot like modelling. The person that made it knows where ALL the flaws are ! I guess I could say that I’ “less negative” about this one. Thanks again, Pix.

That is good Pix!!! You’re improving with everyone. Keep em coming!!


Best one yet Pix!


Hey Pix,
Way to go my friend[;)] You are improving w/ every build and are getting more creative.
So whats next??
Flaps up, Mike

I think that following this one will be tough. Things just went right today, (as they seldom do !). I think I am less disappointed with this one than I am with my others. I’ll have to hunt through the aviation art books for inspiration. Maybe some Robert Taylor stuff.
SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT ! Till later, Pix.

Yikes, how’d I miss this one?

Fantastic! Very dynamic. The smoke id great!

Keep’em comin’!

Soon you can release an album through Kalmbach of all your works!

Thanks, J-Hulk ! The smoke came from a B&W photo of a transport plane taking off using RATO (rocket-assisted-take-off) units. It was in a copy of “Airpower” magazine. THANKS FOR THE COMPLIMENT !