It's time for some Airliners!..

Well… As a modeler… My first love was always Airliners… I did a stack in 1/200 scale, but soon lost interest and room to display them… I have since given most away, or they are sitting away some where…

Well, after building alot of war planes, both prop and jet, I have decided to go back and put atleast one airliner back on my shelf… I wanted it to be big, and beautiful. So I went with the Revell 1/144 Airbus A380…

Although my favoutite color scheme is JAL (Japan Airlines) with the red sun with silver on the tail. JAL are not going to purchase the A380, so now I have decided to do this one as my native QANTAS A380, but I must say that the Emirates decals are actually very sweet and well printed… I would say the highlight of this kit…

Now that my Tomcat has been put back in the hanger, I will be able to get some more done on this build… For now, I have puttied in the windows, and sprayed the inside black… The wheel wells and landing gear have been assembled, and tomorrow I will start on the engines assembly… I dont see many airliners on this forum, but I would love to see more!.. I also plan on doing a 737 or A310 with a few fighters in 1/144 scale, and display them with it as a scale reference to the size of this baby!


I also enjoy building airlines and currently am doing a BMF 727 from AMR.

Well, I for one would be interested in seeing pics of your progress so far!

As for the A380, I have it together, but the front landing gear bay doesnt quite fit, and so a gap about 2mm wide was left on the nose… No problems, all puttied up, and ready to be sanded…

I am repairing another model as I do this one, so it is just sitting at the momment…


Last weekend I purchased the RoG 1/144 Boeing 737-800, and am currently looking into what scheme I want to paint it in. Do you know anywhere to get Aftermarket Decals? (Although the Ryanair decals are pretty nice looking too)

I am currently painting one of auntie Betty’s 146’s with TQF, as it was at the time and will be doing an RAE VC10 (have decals) .

I will be designing a couple of sets of decals for my EUjet fokker 100’s.

I’m kindof slowly chugging away with Aer Lingus 737 and Bae-146.

Not happy with my finish, I’m stripping off and starting over. (Decals aren’t on yet, fortunately)


Excellent work guys!.. I knew the Airliners were out there!

I really dont know why people dont talk about them much over here on FSM?

Iusually make my own decals, but I just did a quick Google, and found this site for airline hobby gear… Might have what you are looking for…


Did a Heller 1/72 Lockheed Constellation, all BMF, Pan Am markings. Beatiful classic lines.

I am a lover of the century series jets and, as my handle implies a Phantom II phan, through and through. But about three years ago I picked up a United 747-400 by Revell 1/144 and always wanted to get some aftermarket decals of the Thai Airlines King edition (it has decorations that look like a royal boat and oresmen along the fuselage mostly in gold and black. 1. Do you know the a/c I’m referring to? And 2. Are these decals available. It could be in contention for the one of the most colorful airliners ever. Having flown on this from LAX to Bangkok has made this even more important. I tried to locate unsucessfully a hobby store in Thailand that might have these. Can any of you airliner folks help me? FYI I have a picture of this bird don’t have a clue as to downloading. Is it the link icon? Usually I use a JPG thingy for pictures…

I also have that A-380 kit waiting to be built, Hopefully it will be in Virgin colours
when I know what they look like, Also how are you going to do the windows I thought I
might use Micro KRYSTAL KLEAR to make the windows look like they are galazed.

Keep posting to let us know how the A380 goes.


hey chris have you had a look at hawkeye models here is aust they have qantas decals

for the a380,also the aircraft resource centre has a section for airliners hpoe this helps

d mick [8-]

Hey, Chris I love that new Airbus, but if you like the JAL scheme, why don’t you do it anyway (as a what if), who knows, Jal may still reconsider [:)]
Anyway, looking forward to some pics too.

Oh, btw, I haven’t been able to post pics on the forum since the software changed, how do you do that these days ?

Hi guys. Sorry I havnt been around for a while… I have been flat out with duties here, and havnt even had much time to check email… To second it off, My A380 gave me a few heart attacks, and only now she is back to being a model again…

Basically this is quite a simple model, and it goes together nicely, but for some reason I had alot of difficult with the seem on the top… The plastic is very soft, so you have to go hard at the seams, but not too hard… With the seams finally done, She was ready for her first coat of white paint… No probs, except I left it to dry near an open window, and a freak wind blew in, knocked it over, and messed up all the paint… A real mess, and then cracked the nose open again… So now 3 more days later, she is all but perfect again. And I have given her extra time to dry… Anyways, here she is for now!

As for the markings, I will be making the decals myself, and so I have decided to do it in Qantas colours! Although I have been known to change my mind…

Thanks for not letting this thread fade away guys, and I also look forward to some of you starting yours!.. Dont hold back!

Dan: The posting of pics has remained the same [ img ] [ /img ] (without the gaps), and when you paste the code in between the [img] markers, go up to the edit button at the top, and press paste from there… That should work…


My Revell DE An124 arrived today along with a second VC10 which will be used for the RB211 flying test bed.

That 124 is big, but not too big.

It will be done in Polet Flight or VTA colours with the door up and ramp on display.

I may need the Polet markings for a 767.

Oggy, excellent stuff!.. Look forward to hearing more mate!

Well, Another pic for an update… I guess you know which way I went…


Looking great Chris!! Curious to know how you made the mask for the Roo.

Also looks like you have a thing for red and white tail schemes.

Keep the progress pics coming.


Very nice Chris![tup] I must admit though, my first thought was Dustin Hoffman in Rainman- “Quantas never crashed.”

My second cofession is I only have one airliner in my collection, a Concorde, atleast I can say it is started but has been shelved for awhile. Kinda funny though an airliner was what got me started in my modeling. Received a 747 model around the age of 6 or 7 for Christmas, the main thing I remember about it was that it was bright orange plastic, and I had the thing built in about 20 min. Maybe I need to look into some of my “roots” and try an airliner again or finish my Concorde.


Thanks guys… Stinger, I use a sheet of A4 clear sticker film that you can get here, and I printed out the kangaroo to the size that I wanted, and then cut it out and placed it on before I hit it with the red…

But as usual the nightmare continues… Even after 3 days of drying, the gloss white still hasnt dried 100% and after I lifted the tape from doing the red, it has scored the white, and lifted it in some minor places… Not all that bad, but enough to annoy me… Looks like I will have to let the red dry, cover it, sand down the worste white areas, and re-do the white!..

I think I will be taking a long holiday from modeling after this one?


Hey Chris, I’m always amazed by the speed and quality of your builds! keep it up. I especially liked the F-14 as I’m currently building my own in 1/48 (it’s almost done ). Anyway just wanted to say keep posting the updates.

On a side note, do you or anyone else know of any Singapore Airlines kits/decals out there? After seeing your build I’m itching to try out an airliner for change.


Thanks for yor kind words… My F-14 is still only 99% complete, as I have to put the engines on it… Definately want to see progress pics of yours!

As for Singapore Airlines. I know that Hasegawa did a 747 BigTop in Singapore Airlines markings a few years ago. It was 1/200 scale. Other than that, I would just search around, as I know that there are Decals out there! I usually make my own decals if they are simple enough, although the Singapore decals would be a little difficult, and take alot of time to get right…

Cheers, Chris