It's not easy being Russian Armour Green.....

This will sound like a fairly obvious question, but what colour green should a very late war T34/85 be?

I am building a kit with no painting instructions, and I have never built anything apart from German armour.

I have access to Tamiya, Modelmaster, Gunze Sangyo and Humbrol paints, and some others.

I realise there is probably no definitive answer, but i would like to know what is used by you wonderful people.[:D]

I use MM Russian Armor Green enamel.

this has come up before, and i think most of us agree to disagree.
i think this thread has the most info:

but you will haave to shoot a few test swatches, and see which one pleases you.

You think Kermit drove a T-34?

Almost certainly!

Say, there’s an idea for a turret slogan… what’s Russian for “It’s time to light the lights”?

Thanks for that link Ed. There was plenty of ideas there. I got a tin of Humbrol 163 Dark Green today, on the recommendation of a store guy, and I have XF61 and XF65, so I might have a bit of an experiment. Hopefully I can find the MM colour too. I don’t want perfection, but I would like something that looks right to me.

I thought I detected a High Berlin accent on Fozzie Bear.
And Animal would seem to be at home in a Sherman.
Does this mean the Swedish Chef went off to fight with the Waffen SS?
Beaker must be Artillery.
Gonzo has to be Airborne.

LoL! There’s a diorama idea! [(-D][(-D][(-D]


My votes for the Tamiya XF-61.

I used MM russian armor green on mine comrad.I was also told MM Medium green would work well if it is an early.

I used MM russian armour green or even dark green. Works for me.

does anyone know what the white stripe on the turret means? i’ve seen alot of russian tanks with it

Well if its late war then you should go with MM russian armor green, How ever there were the med to dark green as well. But that pic that T34 has up is a close and I mean close match to MM russian armor green. Looks just like mine.

LOL, where does that leave Animal? Marines? [}:)]

I think that indicates that they had more white paint than sense. What a great aimpoint for binocular and diopter sighting systems[:p]

The stripes were used as identification for friendly forces, much like the D-Day stripes on Allied planes.

Model Master is my choice,esp.since its available in acrylic,& its semi-gloss.
By the way, what about Ms.Piggie?Commissar for Armored Vehicle Affairs?
French Resistance?

No luck thus far on finding the Modelmaster colour. Paint stocking in my city is woeful.

Miss Piggy? Not sure. I reckon Ausf will know…

Miss Piggy?

Won’t go there!

Yes, it’s a very late-war marking - assault on Berlin? - when the Soviets had air supremacy on the Eastern Front. It was designed to prevent blue-on-blue (red-on-red?[:D]) casualties, which were seen as a bigger risk at that time than air attacks from the Germans.


She was awarded the ‘Heroine of the Soviet Union’ as a tank driver. I thought that was well known, I didn’t bother to mention it.