It will soon be my birthday and my wife just might spring for a 1/32 scale kit. I’ve read all sorts of reviews and descriptions of the kits, but am having a hard time deciding. So, if you were in my shoes, which kit would you get: F-15, F-16, F-18, A-10, or Thud? Also from which manufacturer? Thanks for any thoughts.
Personally, I’d test her love for you and go all out: ask for the 1/32 Tamiya A6M5 with all the bells and whistles (fiber optics, real sound, etc.) It’s MSRP is upwards of $350, but you can find it around $250 if you look real hard.
Go for the Tamiya F-15E with bunkerbusters i just built this kit and loved it no isses exept a little putty on the top of the wings vary nice build. they sell for around $136 but well worth the cash metal landing gear rubber tires and remove before flight tags.
I’d go for the A-10; i’ts such an awesome and unique aircraft, and the kit is rather impressive. I have the Trumpeter kit (as you can see if you look at my signiture) and while it has cockpit detail issues these can be fixed with the Eduard detail sets. The kit plus the Big Ed detail set will be under $200.
Thanks for all the replys and suggestions. I’m leaning towards the Academy F-18, but am also thinking about the A-7 (thanks for reminding me of that one). But…still…that A-10…!
If I ever learn how to post pics, I’ll post some of whatever I eventually build. Thanks again.
Well, if it were me, I think I would have to go for the F-18D. They don’t make the “F” in 1/32 yet do they? I bought the Academy “C” version, and its supposed to be a really good build, they didn’t have the “D”, but thats ok, I am really starting to like this one the more I read about it! Happy Birthday JHawk!
Iam working on the Academy 1/32 F-16 iam only on page 2 and iam already having to make some tweaks and mods to the parts to fit right so double check your instructions and test fit your parts. iI didnt have any issues with my Tamiya kit.
For the money yes i paid 84 for mine and would have gladly paid the price of the Tamiya kit if i would have known how much better there kits are. Not only that you get more bang for your buck with the Tamiya kit.