Italeri, Testors, Esci F-4E ????

OK. Are these or aren’t they the same kit?

The 1/48 scale kits are the same lousy kit. Incorrect cockpit, seats, nose landing gear and same fit problems.

Get the Revell-O-Gram/Pro-Modeler/Hasegawa F-4E, it’s a nice kit.


Thanks for the info, much appreciated! The reason why I was asking is I’m going through a phantom kick and being some what of a cheap charlie (wife) I thought I’d go with the Italeri, Esci kit, then I keep hearing the Italeri f-4 is the testors kit and/or the esci kit… Anyway I just started working on a Pro Modeler/Hasegawa E model and was looking to complete one with the Australian markings also. And if the Testors is the same as the other two I’ll just pay 11.99 as opposed to 26.00 to 30.00. I guess the only draw back with Testors compared to the two is the Testors kit doesn’t come with the Australian decals.

Current projects:

Pro Mod. F-4E 15%

Tamiya, Phantom II 75% (a year and a 1/2 in the maiking)

Italer, JAS 39 50%

Tamiya, P-51D 75%

Dragon, M-1A1 90%

And the AMT/Ertl F-4C/D is the same as the old Esci F-4B/J( I didn’t believe it until I compared the instructions-carbon copy!) ,with the obvious differences. I’m trying to kitbash the Revell/Monogram F-4J with the old Esci, [censored]!