It feels good to be up and running again!

Hello everyone!

Thank you for returning to the FineScale Modeler Forum. As many of you know, we struggled for a long time to maintain the old forum, and it got extremely cantakerous at the end. In August 2024, we froze the old Forum and began the process of migrating content to this, our new FSM Forum.

In migrating from old to new, we’ve tried to maintain threads and keep the owners of those threads intact–you’ll use the same email that you did for the old Forum, but you’ll need to create a new password (click “Forgot Password” when you log in the first time to do that). However, for taking as much case as we have to move posts and threads, the final posts that were maintained from the old FSM Forum date to Aug. 26, 2024. Any posts that were made later than that were not moved.

That means, if you were somehow still able to post to the old Forum even after Aug. 26, and you want those posts to appear here in the new FSM Forum, you’ll want to go find your posts and copy and past them into the proper threads.

Also, you may find that some of the older threads that were extremely long may have been truncated. If you see a post of yours has been truncated, please feel free to copy and paste the post from the old Forum into the new FSM Forum.

Lastly, we will continue to maintain the old Forum for the foreseeable future, but it will not be indefinitely. We are confident that the migration has been complete, but that doesn’t mean it has been perfect–and with a migration of this size, it’s impossible for us to check every single entry. So, do take the time to go over those posts and threads that mean the most to you and make sure they are complete. Once we have an end date for shuttering the old Forum, we’ll let you know so there won’t be any surprises.

Thanks everyone, and here’s to a vibrant and active FSM Forum!


Glad you’re back but I’m also feeling abandoned. All these months without so much as a word from you and then you’re back again like nothing happened. How hard would it have been to post something?


YES! . . . there is a Santa Claus!!!

this is excellent news. . . I have not been able to log on in months!!


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Kinda feel the same as jeffpez! Good to have it back, but really, really annoying the lack of support for getting back online.


Good that the forum is back. I wonder how many members will come back, and how long it will take them to do it.

Apparently after a specific date, they prevented us from logging in. If you had an active login, and had not logged out, you could still enter the forum. If you had logged out, you were blocked. That was posted at the old forum, in a thread on the 500/505 errors we were getting.
I had an active login in a browser session on my personal machine, but not on my work machine. But I stopped accessing the forum, because it was practically dead.

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Hi Jeff,

Sorry about that. We posted to our Facebook and other social media about the outtage and there was a point that we were not longer able to post to the old Forum either.

Hi Crash,

I understand. As I told Jeff, there came a point that FSM staff could not longer post to the Forum. It was locked down and the only people who seemed to still get in to post were those who were “cookied” beyond the wall. The execution wasn’t perfect, and we take responsibility for that. However, the Forum is back up and running.

New, old, we’re here for everyone who wants to talk about scale models. This unties our hands. I couldn’t, in good faith, really push the old Forums to anyone. I wanted to, but it was in such a sorry state that it wasn’t really possible. Now, we can make the FSM Forums really sing.


I was locked out for the longest time. Will be looking around the new format.


Well, well… I wonder how good these new forums are going to work… I’ll do some testing right away!

How many 76 year old men do you think use Facebook or any other kind of social media? I’m glad you’re back and hope many of the old users come back too but fear they won’t. How about posting pictures? Is it finally easy or do we still need to jump thru hoops which were well beyond my ability?

For my first post on the new forum, I’ll just say I’m glad it’s back! I am taking a short break from my paid work right now to poke around, but so far it looks great.

Great to see you! Please do poke around. I think you’ll find it to work very well.

Jeff, this little image icon will allow you to post jpgs and pngs.

Nothing could be easier. Just click and choose.


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Tbh, I actually thought FSM forum was done with…

Glad to have you guys back, even though I haven’t been as a regular visitor and poster as I was 20 years ago when there were hardly any modelling forae in my own language yet.

(Weird layout though with two boxes next to eacheother).

Hi Everyone! Glad to be here - along with the team of admins and moderators, I wanted to introduce myself in case anyone needs help. I will be here to help the team make any major forum changes.

We understand there will be a learning curve with new forum as it’s completely new forum but we’re here to help. And we’re here to make it better with your feedback.

Feel free to direct message if needed!


Yes - it takes a bit of getting used to - it’s extremely convenient when writing longer replies / threads that include multiple photos. The right hand side will show you the ‘end result’. You can scroll through it to ensure the formatting is correct.

Note: If you click this icon, it will expand the reply box to full width of your screen

Before clicking the icon:

After clicking the icon:

We’re happy to have you back Jeff!! Like anything, this new forum will take some time to get used to. From what we are seeing on the forum (, users are picking it up quickly.

Quick tips:

Uploading Images

You’re not the only one frustrated by the old forums image upload. In this new forum you can simply copy and paste a photo or you can upload from your desktop/phone by clicking the image icon:

Replying and Quoting
Along with the simple reply button, you can highlight a specific part of a thread / reply then click ‘Quote’. This is what I did with your post. I highlighted the text I wanted to comment back to > click Quote. This makes my reply include your text:

Sending a Private Message
To do this, simply click a Username then click the blue Message button. This will begin a private message between you and that user:

Tagging a User
To do this, simply type the ‘@’ then begin to type the username you want to tag.

If you need any more help or have questions, continue to post here or private message me - I’m happy to help.

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Fantastic! Thanks for the reply