Hello everyone!
Thank you for returning to the FineScale Modeler Forum. As many of you know, we struggled for a long time to maintain the old forum, and it got extremely cantakerous at the end. In August 2024, we froze the old Forum and began the process of migrating content to this, our new FSM Forum.
In migrating from old to new, we’ve tried to maintain threads and keep the owners of those threads intact–you’ll use the same email that you did for the old Forum, but you’ll need to create a new password (click “Forgot Password” when you log in the first time to do that). However, for taking as much case as we have to move posts and threads, the final posts that were maintained from the old FSM Forum date to Aug. 26, 2024. Any posts that were made later than that were not moved.
That means, if you were somehow still able to post to the old Forum even after Aug. 26, and you want those posts to appear here in the new FSM Forum, you’ll want to go find your posts and copy and past them into the proper threads.
Also, you may find that some of the older threads that were extremely long may have been truncated. If you see a post of yours has been truncated, please feel free to copy and paste the post from the old Forum into the new FSM Forum.
Lastly, we will continue to maintain the old Forum for the foreseeable future, but it will not be indefinitely. We are confident that the migration has been complete, but that doesn’t mean it has been perfect–and with a migration of this size, it’s impossible for us to check every single entry. So, do take the time to go over those posts and threads that mean the most to you and make sure they are complete. Once we have an end date for shuttering the old Forum, we’ll let you know so there won’t be any surprises.
Thanks everyone, and here’s to a vibrant and active FSM Forum!