Wondering if anyone has some spare decals from one of the out of print sheets. I find information online about TwoBobs and Caracal sets, but no one still has them in stock.
I was a B-1B project manager there in 1986-87 when we received the first plane. Getting ready to start building a kit and would love to be able to mark it as one of ours.
I’m sure I can help out. I have several sheets by different companies with Ellsworth Bones on them. Is there a particular ship you want to do? I have a Cutting Edge sheet with the old green and gray scheme on two Bones from Ellsworth, “American Flyer” and “Warriors Dream.” I also have a rare Fox One decal sheet with “Black Hills Sentinel”. I have the TwoBobs sheet will Ellsworth’s “Seek and Destroy,” “Dakota Demolition,” and “Swift Justice.” And I have Caracal’s sheet with Ellsworth’s “Symphony of Destruction,” and “Dakota Queen.” Let me know what you’re looking for. Best to contact me off group: