Will - you have to go to the armor section to check those out… they tend to like to do their group builds in their own topic area of the forum. Try asking this in there! Good luck!
hehe, flyboys. there isn’t any that i know of though. but you can certainly start one up and i bet there will be people joining.
Here is the list Will, no modern builds going on, some are in the armor section some are out here:
If you go to the armor topic and start talking one up in there and out here, I am sure you will find some takers like Archangel said!
Thanks guys
I didn’t relise they put them in armour, and thanks for the link.
None going on right now, but start up a thread, and see what the interest is.
I have an armor GB going to start in a minth or so but it is a 2 week “Vacation” build for small scale armor 1/72 or smaller it covers all eras of armor WW I -Modern tanks,armored cars ,APC’s, support vehicles ( HUMMVEES,Jeeps,recovery vehicles,trucks.etc )and artillary.Anyones welcome the small scale stuff is a rather fun break from the 1/35 & 1/16 stuff Have a look