Im looking for a very affordable dual-action airbrush and compressor. I found a Powercat compressor and a dual action on the E-bay for $60US plus around 25 for S&H. Is this a good deal or is the whole deal trash?
- graham
Im looking for a very affordable dual-action airbrush and compressor. I found a Powercat compressor and a dual action on the E-bay for $60US plus around 25 for S&H. Is this a good deal or is the whole deal trash?
I would buy a name brand from a reputable source so that you don’t waste your money on something that is a cheap copy.
As it is generally the case with tools…you only get what you pay for.
Graham, I can’t agree more with Mike & Jimmy. I’d buy decent equipment from a reputable source. Good equipment/tools will help you enjoy yourself working, inferior products with problems will only cost you more in the end and possibly discourage you away from continuing with your hobby.
What brand is the airbrush?
Where would you get parts and service for that equipment?
What kind of warranty would you get?
What if it sprays like crap?
You don’t have to spend a small fortune on the equipment either.
Take a look here for some affordable setups - AirBrush-Depot.
If they’re still to high priced for you right now, do as I had too, save up a little here and there until shopping day.
Dixie Art has low prices (possibly the lowest) on airbrushes, but finding a decent compressor at a cheap price… I added everything up and the kits at AirBrush-Depot seemed the best way to go.
Good luck [;)]
Hi Graham
When new to airbrushing I did the same thing that you’re planning to do.
I bought a cheap industrial compressor (one of the ones that comes with a nailgun and tyre inflator etc.) and a generic Chinese double action airbrush. The airbrush wasn’t too bad - gave pretty reasonable, if slightly inconsistent results - until I lost a part to the carpet monster and found out why they were so cheap. No spares, no service, no working airbrush.
The compressor was fine as well - but so incredibly noisy that I could only use it during daylight when no-one else was in the house.
After finally tiring of this and looking at modelling forums, bought the best airbrush I could afford and a silent compressor. As I live in the UK, this was quite a commitment, as Hobby products and just about everything else cost far more than they do in the US. The difference to my modelling and my sanity has been immense. I can airbrush whenever I want, and the quality of my paintwork has improve immeasurably.
My advice would be to save up and buy a reputable double action brush - Iwata, Badger or a comparable make (I got an Iwata, but I believe Badger are very good too) and a good quality silent compressor. It may be expensive initially, but will save you money in the long run, depending how much modelling you plan to do. Also, if things go wrong, you’ll have decent warranties and/or the chance of buying spares.
And remember the old saying - he who buys cheap, buys twice.