Is the Aztek worth it?

Just a quick question…I’m thinking of getting an Aztek airbrush…is it worth the money to get?..i’m currently using a Badger 150, I like it, just wanted to try something new…thnx

Post your question on the airbrush forum. There’s an expert on this and he only checks out that forum.

For all I know, Aztecs feels cheap and is not for serious modelers.

I have nit used an aztek but from what i have heard you couldnt get anything worse. But if you decide to get it anyway ill take your badger. LOL


No, they are not worth it. I have one. I have been using it as a “trainer”. Keep your badger. It’s much better.

Speaking for myself, I replaced an Aztec double action (back then it was called Model Master) with a Badger 150. I found the Aztec tips difficult to clean, and I frequentky replaced them.

As pro painter and long time modeler, we ’ ve used quite a few airbrushes: DeVilbiss 63 and 93, Paasche VL, Iwata Eclipse…and the Aztek A470 ! And when you ’ ve mastered the light weight of the Aztek A470, you ‘ll find a really good airbrush ! ( For the ones who like " pumpin’ irons ", Aztek ’ ve made a new heavyweight all metal model…! )
Tired about the " late saturday’ s bent needle " occurrence…Fed up by the mid paintin’ session cleanin ? No problemo, the Aztek, and his easy changin’ nozzles, is for you: drop the dirty nozzle in water, take a new one…Five seconds and go ! You couldn’ t find more easier…!
So, as an old user of the tool, I could say: yes…It 's worth it ! [^]

I’ve used an Aztek a470 now for two years, It is my first airbrush and so far I have had no problems. I suppose it’s all a matter of what you’re used to.

I had the 470 for 5 years, I had a Badger 360 for 15 years before that. This year I went back to Badger and picked up 100 and a Sotar 20/20. Personally I would not recommend Aztek, it has some nice features but the bottom line to me is that it was more of a gimick than an airbrush.

That and I had to take advantage of their free lifetime warranty on the body and it took a month and a half to get something back. Badger has replacement parts available virtually everywhere (hobby stores, Micheals, etc…) and the price of the replacement parts equals the cost of shiping the body…

So, drogers

Are ya confused yet?