Iraqi Armour

Anyone know where I can find photos of Iaqi T-72 tanks…Desert Storm to present. Also what is a good color for Iraqi Armour???

go to google, click on images and type in 7-63. i painted one with model master paints. i think that they have a sand color desighned for there kinds of thanks.

Go to and type in a keyword such as Iraq or tank(s). You have to register to see the photos without the watermark but don’t worry, it’s free. Another very good site is a group on Yahoo, it’s called Armyrecognition (yes, one word). The site has many, many posts and if you need a particular picture, post a question and one of the members is sure to have what you need. One last place is the Usenet, look for

Good color for Iraqi Armour is sand color!. My latest Web page shows
SS-1C “SCUD-B” w/ MAZ-543 TEL (Iraqi Army Service) in such color. :