I have been browsing these forums for a few weeks now and I just now realize that I haven’t given myself a proper introduction.
I am an Architectuaral modelmaker in Seattle and I have been scratchbuilding since 1982 when I was 12 years old. I am obsessed with building techniques and have found FSM magazine to be a great resource and inspiration. This scratchbuild was directly inspired by an article from FSM about scratchbuilding Star Wars vehicles published around 1983 or there abouts.
Here is a link to my website. There may still be some spelling errors and it is kind of spartan in design but if you look through you will see most of my best work. It is entirely Sci-fi oriented so have fun.
Great web site! I really liked looking at everything, but I have one question. Where are the 1/1 scale weapons from? I didn’t reconize there origin. Enjoyed your site, how often do you update?[8D]
The Excelcior is probably never going to see the light of day. There is just too much to do to it to make it look good, let alone right. It is being kept safe… deep in storage.