I'm lookig for some help in finding a Maintrack models kit.

I have been looking for a kit they produced in 1/48scale called the Lockheed “Have Blue” XST stealth Demonstrator. I have been trying to locate a kit but have had no luck and looked under every rock to find one on the net. Does anyone know of the location of one? If you could help me find a kit please contact me directly via. e-mail.

Merry Christmas Everyone!,


I couldnt find a 1/48 kit but found this info on the net http://www.xs4all.nl/~robdebie/models/haveblue.htm

Yeah I seen that site awhile back. The only place that I know that there has got to be a kit is somewhere in the United kingdom where it was produced/made. I noticed that the majority of Maintracks Project-x kits on ebay are out of England. Can anyone tell me from the United Kingdom if they see kits that were made by maintrack for sale in their local hobby shops in the uk?

Yeah I seen that site awhile back. The only place that I know that there has got to be a kit is somewhere in the United kingdom where it was produced/made. I noticed that the majority of Maintracks Project-x kits on ebay are out of England. Can anyone tell me from the United Kingdom if they see kits that were made by maintrack for sale in their local hobby shops in the uk?

Their was a company out of Vermont called Precision Enterprises that imported Maintrack kits. They may still have stock left. I’ll see if I can dig up a phone number.

That would be great!!!.

I dug up that phone number for you. Phone/Fax: 802-885-3094 After 5 PM, Mon - Fri, 10 AM - 5 PM Sat It’s been years since I bought from them but they were very nice to deal with, a real Mom and Pop outfit. I talked to them a couple years ago about some OOP Esoteric kits. They still had them then, which is why I think they might still have Maintrack floating about. I hope they are still open. Good luck. Gary
