I'm Blue about the Testors Blue Compressor

I’ve had a bad experience with Testor’s little blue compressor. The hose fitting at the compressor became so hot during use that the rubber inside the airhose degraded, expanded and “popped” off repeatedly. Once cool, I could press the hose fitiing back over the nipples and I would be okay for about 2 minutes, then POP…off would come the hose.

My main issue with this unit is with the pressure. It is not regulated and operates at 35psi. I found this to be too high. I recently purchased a Paasche D500 with regulator and moisture trap and I am very pleased.

I’ve been using mine for the past 4 months, and although it’s gotten hot, I never had that happen to me. I also got a regulator and a t-connector to run both of my airbrushes off it and have been more than happy with the performance from this little compressor.


I love my mini-blue. I spray for hours at a time and never had a problem. I put a regulator and moisture trap on mine and this thing is perfect! So quiet and cheap, got it for $60.

I hasve one too with a regulator I put on it. Its a really good little hobby compressure. I am upgrading though…just cant beat a tank.


Which compressor are you upgrading to?


I don’t know what to tell you guys, the thing worked fine until one day…POP!.. I even went as far as to hose clamp the fitting and it still popped off , it was too hot! Has anyone figured out how to change the filter?, I guess you have to split the thing in half. I think I will peddle the little blue #!@$%&*@# in the for sale ads and stick with my new set up. Happy Trails…


My Paasche D500 is running like a champ, regulator and moisture trap in place. I think I’ve got a winner.

hey crock, how much if you are selling it? cause if the price is reasonable… i may not decide to build a fridge comp

Mike not sure yet which Compressor I am gonna go to. I am soon going to be getting a settlement from my insurance about my accident I was talking about ealrier when I first joined. Not sure how much I am getting but not much, I know that much. Hopefully I’ll have about $300 to spend.
What I want is a quiet 1/8 hp, small tank with moisture trap and regulator and shuts off automatically when the tank is full. And can handle 2 ab’s at the smae time[^] and is easy to move.
what ya got?

http://www.dixieart.com/Silentaire_Scorpion_Compressors.html <----- at the bottom, Silentaire Scorpion 2 with tank… 299$ You did say about 300$ didn’t you? [:D]


we’re not supposed to sell stuff in the forums, e mail me - crockett@wcoil.com, we’ll discuss…


I know, i was just wondering general price, even though i have about 0 dollers to spend right now, cause i owe some people money and i still need an airbrush. don’t bother. enjyo your paasche

Two airbrushes at the same time? How are you going to do that?
Are you spraying with one in each hand? [(-D]

I would contact Badger and see if they have any remanufactured Badger Million-Air compressors right now. I love mine.


Shipping would kill me

No It wouldn’t www.dixieair.com ships for free for any purchases over 45$… [:)]

dude check out a Campbell Hausfeld FP2003 1HP…

theyre quiet, have a tank n regulator and sell for about 100us… picked one up on ebay for 35 bucks… shipping costs 50 tho!!!

Too bad Dixie doesn’t sell them though. [:D]
The remanufactured ones can only be bought directly from Badger.
You can buy a new one through Dixie if you want to spend $429.


Those compressors are notorious for overheating and breaking down although a few have had good luck with them.


I don’t think it would be that high for shipping, but they may not have them in stock as they are not always available and you have to get on a waiting list.
You could also go to Coast Airbrush and buy the Silentaire 20A for $389 plus tax as it is the same compressor as the Badger I mentioned.
Dave at Coast really knows his stuff too.


or you could buy a $159 sprint jet or 269 powerjet (i think its the lite or something along those lines)