I'm alive!

Real life threw me some curve balls as of late but I’m still here[B)][:P] Last night was the first I’ve even been able to work on anything and all my old projects are in storage so I made do with what I had. I started work on a 1:35th scale Cylon Raider from the new BSG. I have one of the wings shaped but still need to detail it. Its not much but its a start. With what it took to get the one wing to this stage I would guess on about another 12 hours of build time to see it done.

Anyway heres the start of my New Cylon Raider

Kewl! Keep us posted! Welcome back.

Nice start. Glad to see you’re still alive and kicking, Matt! [:D]

I got to ask, why plexi? Or polycarb? I’d think it’d be a pain to work with (as in hard).

Thanks guys[:D]

It is called “hard medium sculpting” and it was something I wanted to try out on a scale project. The plexi is not all that bad to work with.

Just curious. Thought it might just be like me. I have it laying around so why not.

Yeah some of that to. So long as the supply holds out I’ll be fine. If not I’ll have to start using those rocks laying around the yard.[(-D]

Here are some pics of the head-fuselage of the Raider,

Initial sculpt

Styrene detail

With the wing

It just me or does the front of it look like Boba Fett’s helmet?

I think it looks great,can’t wait to see the finished ship![wow]

Thanks AG. I have some work[V] to catch up on and then I’ll be able to get back to it.

I’ve been gone for about a month myself.

I’m glad I poped in great work Matt!

Hi Woody, thanks. Hope all is well.