"I'll Take The Low Road..."

Hi all

Here I go again. I’m trying to perfect the fine art of scenery making so I have left out the models and figures for this one too. In the future I might add something to it…a tank would look nice on that road…

Beautiful work, aussie1, but it looks like it might be a little too tight for a tank. Also, your distances between the tire track areas seem a little inconsistent. But overall it looks really great.


A great result, to be sure. If anything you may need a bit of a transition between the road surface and the underbrush surrounding it.

Wow that looks great.


One of these days I’m gonna buckle down and build a base quite like that one, and put a jeep on it. A nice clean one, with a guy in civvy attire at the wheel, sort of like he just finished the restoration and was taking it out for a spin on a country backroad.

I have to say that looks really nice! Excellent work.

I really like the tree. Can you share more information about it?

Thanks guys for the feedback, all constructive as usual.


I made the tree by twisting 40 strands of wire together to get the trunk and branch shape. I then coated the whole thing with water putty and shaped it to look like a twisted old tree. Then it was painted with several thin coats of oil paints.
The method comes from Terrain Modelling by Richard Windrow and the master tree maker in the book is Barry Bowen. For anyone interested in terrain modelling, this book is a must have.
I havn’t started my next one as yet but I’m planning it and it will be another country road I’m afraid.

Thanks again for all the comments.

Thanks for the info on the book. I’ll have to keep it in mind.

Do you remember what type of wire (material & gauge)? Recently I helped my daughter out with a school project where we made a bunch of trees. They were okay for a 4th grade project [:I], but in retrospect I think I should have used thinner wire.

Hi David

For previous trees I used 20 gauge wire from a craft shop, however as I made more trees I was adding more strands and found that 20 gauge was too thick.
I came across a product called Floral Wire at a bargain shop (treasure trove for diorama makers) which is around 24 gauge. It only cost $2.00 for 75 metres.
So as long as it will support the coating of putty, thinner is better.

Yes, Aussie1, that tree looks awesome. Forgive me for being on the negative side of my first post when there sat that gorgeous tree to admire.


There ya go…

To finish it off, add a bunch of people gathered around the tree admiring it’s beauty and strength. [:)]


Your comment wasn’t negative, you were right. I assume you meant the section on the left hand side at the tight curve. It’s definitely out of whack!

Your other observation is right too. The road is a little too small for a tank. I guess it’s not really out of scale because of this but it would only be suitable for figures or civilian cars. Anyway I made this purely as a scenic dio, I never really intended to add anything, which is a good thing because I’m moving on to the next one…

All the best guys!

I think the tree looks great. I think the road bends too much and on the turn seems sharp. It reminds me of a disney ride , i am just expecting something to be near the tree to help establish that its the forcus of the dio.

Thanks for the tips on the tress ! Great Job !

Looking forward to the next one, Aussie1!
